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Comments of One World, One Fight!

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2021-02-23 08:17
Haven't Read
>> In this unprecedented situation, we cannot resort to the usual tools and must be creative in our response to address the crisis. Gen Z Group decided to adapt the Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment into a five-episode graphic novel. We hope to share the hard-earned lessons of front line Chinese doctors so that the rest of the world can learn from their mistakes, pick up their best practices, and save previous lives.
2020-06-03 11:30
A pandemic response mamhwa, a very much needed resource for covid 19 education
Finally someone is seriously taking action in informing people which will hopefully be able to reach out to people
2020-05-22 09:19
the frontliners and essential workers are battling the virus w all their might, thank u all for ur hardwork. for us ppl who are or were stuck at homes should do our best w social distancing & maintaining a good hygiene. take care and be safe everyone <3
2020-05-21 19:57
Everyone, keep social distancing and help stop the spread of Covid-19 (you can do that by staying at home, becoming a recluse, and binging all your favorite mangas and shows-- just like me)
2020-05-21 18:02
In this unprecedented situation, we cannot resort to the usual tools and must be creative in our response to address the crisis. Gen Z Group decided to adapt the Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment into a five-episode graphic novel. We hope to share the hard-earned lessons of front line Chinese doctors so that the rest of the world can learn from their mistakes, pick up their best practices, and save previous lives.
2020-05-21 17:43
im glad someone made this because now we are in that type of situation and this teaching us more about covid-19, so pls support the front line doctors and nurses and volunteers who are fighting for us all and we can all do this together and stand together ^ u ^
2020-05-21 16:05
Wow damn. Good initiative, since we are living it rn
Name: One World, One Fight!
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Gen Z Group , Revolver 2000 released.
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