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Comments of Princess, Please Distance Yourself A Little

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2023-05-23 05:15
WTF! It hurts me just to read this. I like the mc but its like the people around him are whores. Is the author a lolicon or something???
2022-06-15 19:51
Hyper-sexualization of women and young girl
2022-04-15 10:53
basically a harem...
2021-12-06 00:01
Princess pls have some distance or do you the want ambulance?
2021-07-23 21:03
Ch 60 is missing. Very shallow
2021-07-10 05:59
I hate how the girl is portrayed
2021-05-29 12:14
keep going this manga 9ice & 9ood
2021-05-26 05:53
the mc is op and looks uninterested but goddam the girl is annoying as fuck. she should be following the title of this manhua, no actually distance herself a LOT MORE
Name: Princess, Please Distance Yourself A Little
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: 守床待妹 , 菠萝包轻小说 , 基阿忒美术工作室 , Bilibili 2019 released.
Genre(s): Webtoons / Shounen / Fantasy
Alternative: 公主殿下请离我远一点啊 ; ; Your Majesty, Please Keep Away From Me
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