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Comments of Samurai from Edo, Passionate Caresses Remain in Season

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2023-07-06 21:53
Very fast paced, which makes sense since it's so short but it makes the story feel disjointed?
Ml time travels into the Fl's bedroom, they have sex. They have more sex, decide they're in love along the way, there's harassment from a professor for some drama, they travel back to the Ml's time so he can leave a letter for his family, and he just settles in the present. He's also so easy going that he doesn't seem bothered from the beginning.

The Ml's art is pretty hot, but then I really only liked him with long hair and of course to fit in to the 21st century, he cuts it.

There's honestly nothing wrong with it, low angst, multiple sex scenes, yet it felt like such a chore to get through. I started from ch 12, then skimmed 1-11 and nearly gave up in ch3, but I pushed on for the Ml's sexy art. I've read stories with over 100 chapters without getting bored so I guess this just wasn't for me.
2023-04-16 14:19
unexpectedly gooood
2022-11-11 04:17
The cover drew me in, specifically samurai xD it seemed lik bl Seme art haha but I’ll give this a read at a later date
2022-10-21 06:10
eh, mid

damnnn she kicked the teacher in the nuts, that was refreshing. Female leads are usually helpless and need to be saved from a molester. This one clearly said no, looked disgusted instead of borderline horny and even physically defended herself. You go girl. This made me respect the story more
2022-10-05 10:14
Broo the female lead is kinda stupid. She thought bread and blade are similar. I’m fucking dead. Also, that professor?? He is a little sus.
Summary: "I'll make you into a beautiful butterfly. I won't let you get away from me." Everywhere he touched felt so good so she couldn't resist him...! Yuri (age 20) is a university student who lives with her grandmother. Upon reuniting with friends at their Coming of Age Ceremony, Yuri is overwhelmed by how gorgeous they look and makes the decision that she herself must change. It is later that day when she is sitting strumming an old shamisen in her grandmother's room that a kimono wearing man bursts through one of the sliding paper doors to say "You suck!" The man tells her his name is Asuka and says to her "Oh, I know every woman in Edo. However... Yuri, you are something special." He then begins kissing her passionately. Yuri finds herself unable to resist Asuka's charm and can do nothing but allow herself to be manipulated by his persistant tongue... "That enraptured face of yours, it really turns me on." His fiery hot fingertips lasciviously begin to rub her nipples and... Just who is Asuka really!? And what will become of this love which crosses time...
2022-10-04 23:56
yow breh this is cute and interesting i love it hehehhe
2022-09-27 06:36
Interesting story
Name: Samurai from Edo, Passionate Caresses Remain in Season
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Happa Okonogi 2019 released.
Genre(s): Josei
Alternative: Samurai from Edo, Passionate Caresses Remain in Season
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