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Comments of Seishun Scrap (Wakachiko)

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2022-10-20 22:29
Búin með kafla 1, mun ekki lesa meira eða klára , hvenær sem restin af köflunum koma inná, þetta var svo illa þýtt i cant og var svo langt frá því að fíla stílinn
2022-09-28 20:23
but I can't tell if glasses guy is older? which I'm hoping he's not, I'm p sure he isn't bc he was in class so nice
he just appeared older and the beginning confused me q bit
2022-09-28 10:29
2022-09-27 01:46
Ch.1 (5 Raws)
2022-02-11 13:28
Someone update this please.............
2021-12-16 17:01
c5 raws
Eh kinda focuses too much on the smut for there to be any story
2021-09-30 20:36
Story is bad seen the trope too many times wjole manga was just for sex scenes lol
2021-04-10 04:03
It's kinda cute although the translation is a bit wonky.
2021-02-23 13:03
I found this very humorous 10/10
2020-12-24 17:23
update please
Name: Seishun Scrap (Wakachiko)
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Wakachiko 2015 released.
Genre(s): Yaoi
Alternative: 性春スクラップ; Seishun-Scrap
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