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Comments of Severed Head

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2023-06-02 15:27
30 chapters and he still hasn't started learning any martial art. In stead they give us unnecessary villian smut scene and whatever. 30 more chapters, he will only learn how to use Qi, more unnecessary villian do what and fifteen years time skip then start his revenge journey. Lastly aound 70ish chapters , drop or rush to the end.
2022-02-15 23:56
this one looks dark as hell. could be interesting! will have to wait for more updates before i start reading, though.
2022-02-10 06:46
Excuse me what the FUCK
2022-02-07 11:50
I have a heartache for reading this..
2022-02-07 06:56
edit -Omg its so sad ..their mother got BRUTALLY RAPED & killed like that .. they lost their father too ..MY RAGE WILL NOT SUBDUE UNTIL HE EXTRACTS REVENGE..90 plus raws chaps ongoing
Its the journey of two siblings who wants to seek revenge for their parents deaths but for now its mostly focused on Mc on his way to become stronger
2022-02-07 06:53
CW: graphic depiction of being raped to death, strangled and head exploded
ive alrd read this & the title is on point... these poor kids, they lost their parents—they saw and heard what happened to their mum, their uncle is garbage, they got separated, im so mad! no, MAD IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT. IM FURIOUS, IM RAGING. ALL I WANT IS FOR THESE SCUMBAGS TO DIE IN THE HANDS OF THESE SIBLINGS, MUTILATED AND THEIR HEADS SEVERED
Name: Severed Head
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Red Feet (붉은 발) , 이동욱 2019 released.
Genre(s): Seinen / Historical / Action / Psychological / Webtoons / Martial Arts / Adventure / Drama / Horror / Fantasy
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