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Comments of Shibou to Iu Na no Fuku o Kite

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2024-04-18 18:06
Mc je při těle a má docela časté problémy s přejídáním. Nijak to neřeší i když ji za to ostatní docela šikanují, má přítele, který ji i tak moc miluje. Teda do té doby než ji začne podvádět s její kolegyni (která ji šikanuje snad nejvíc). Začne chodit do centra na hubnutí, ale to moc nefunguje, protože hlavní je změnit svůj jídelníček. Dostane se do fáze, kdy začne všechno jídlo zvracet. Zhubne nad myšlenkou, že bude milovaná a tak, ale její ex je z ní spíše ještě více znechucený. Když ho vidí s jeho novou snoubenkou zkolabuje a končí v nemocnici. Nakonec přibere všechnu váhu zpátky, když zjistí, že být hubená neznamená být šťastná.
Bylo to takové zvláštní. Tohle téma mi je blízké, takže to bylo takové dosti na přemýšlení. Hodně postav mě tam štvalo a byli takové neobvyklé. Mc je relatable. Bylo tam také hodně smut scén a mc je tam často úplně nahá. Úplně nevím jak hodnotit, asi potřebuju trošku času o tom víc popřemýšlet... 7,5/10
2024-04-15 18:00
She's an idiot and that ugly ass guy she likes is a man whore.
2024-02-29 02:40
Bruh what a terrible manga, I suffer from an ED myself but wtf was that ending, so danm unrealistic, not to mention how odd the narrative was, and hard to read when i literally dont carr about any of the characters... like wow
2024-02-15 02:40
short and gets to the point. the part where she becomes like her tormentor is brilliant, and it shows how her coworker was probably just like her at one point (maybe not fat, but heavily insecure for sure).

all in all, it’s a very relatable story. i’m quite chubby myself, and although i don’t have an ed, i definitely think these thoughts every time i perceive my body. i would love to be skinny again, but i wasn’t really any happier when i was :/
2023-10-17 11:10
fuck everyone in this manga what the fuck
2023-10-05 05:27
Very depressing
2023-09-23 11:37
Iam anorexic for more then a year I literally read this bc I thought it was triggering tbh I dislike it so much its so boring and that whole story of her being uest from her boyfriend but she kept cheasing after him and wanted to to lose weight for him not for herself and how weak her personality is its just making me question a lot and mad but I love the art style so much
2023-09-04 15:50
Actually really sad but also realistic imo
2023-08-27 03:44
ending kind of shows up out of nowhere, leaving little tied together, but considering the very visceral telling of the fat experience right in front of your eyes, i don't really care about that. was a huge eye-opener, it revealed the world of living as a fat woman in the modern day and modern workforce in a very brutally realistic way, while also showing what it's like to live for the opinions of other people; men, conventionally attractive women, seniors at work, etc. i liked that there was no 'voice of reason' type of character... tabata-san, who seemed to be the only one on noko's side, was moreso just obsessed with some sort of 'grand justice' against mayumi, and less so on sympathising with noko or being her friend. even the woman selling Noko the weight-losing program was sinister. i didn't mind the lesbian cameo, but i feel like a lot of this story is mostly about how the fat experience is shaped by cishet society and expectations... noko is so fuelled to lose weight under the guise of wanting to be beautiful for her boyfriend, but in reality, he only likes being able to exploit the weak, pitiable 'stupid fat woman' who cant think for herself. i liked that there was no sympathy for mayumi, although a deeper history into her motivations and why she dislikes fat people so much could have been interesting? but in reality, skinny fatphobic people are usually just that and nothing else; sinister, selfish, deserving of a good kicking in the teeth, but are too caught up in their patriarchal views which are just confirmed and reinforced by the same prejudiced society that taught it to them in the first place. they'll never receive real punishment for it, or face some sort of divine justice that transforms them into kinder people... even while suffering under the same hurtful societal expectations they enforce!!
2023-08-05 19:28
i felt so bad for her :( i genuinely hated saitou or whatever his name was and DEFINITELY mayumi.
2023-07-22 08:14
never be the same after i've read this manga
2023-09-15 07:20
eerily comforting
2023-05-03 01:10
Reality check
2023-04-09 21:02
Fucking masterpiece
2023-03-06 16:07
It does a good job showing ED realistically and how it can change people honestly really sad but it’s very real
Name: Shibou to Iu Na no Fuku o Kite
Status: Completed   
Author: Anno Moyoco 1997 released.
Genre(s): Adult / Drama / Josei / Mature / Psychological
Alternative: ???????????, In the Clothes Named Fat, Shibou to Iu Na no Fuku wo Kite, Shibou to Yuu Na no Fuku wo Kite, Wearing These Clothes Called ",Fat",
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