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Comments of Tap Water Pollution

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2022-12-10 01:19
The effect of the water pollution have resulted New born babies to have both male and Female sex organ, the United Nation had conclude their decision that the child will have the right to choose their sex once they reach adulthood. Humane as the regulation is, a big disaster followed…

1-81.》 Collection of One Shots

2019-11-18 11:15
Ahhh... what to say... um... I think this is the most messed up sh*t I've even read... every chapter has a different cast but always... there will one with the name Artest Lee and also every chapter someone will die or some messed up shit like monster babies, murder, mutants, and even more death or murder... I can't bare reading this... at first I thought it was interesting but soon after I've read a few chapters that I've realized that it's a WTF manga that would... I can't even describe it... overall I never wanna see this thing ever again...
Name: Tap Water Pollution
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Xiaoru Culture 2019 released.
Genre(s): Adult / Horror
Alternative: 李泰和方小甜的平行世界
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