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Comments of The Dungeon Master

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2023-06-11 04:48
I was invested at first but my interest died down during the dungeon arc. The more I read through the chapters the more inconsistent the story gets:
1. MC gets outinfluenced with Merchants by a Benin Ghoul financial advisor who is chummy with a Dungeon Master even though everyone in the dungeon discovered he was the count's representative and the champion of the recent tournament. Is the Dungeon Master more powerful than an influential count that even has connections with the leader of the territory.
2. Bappe's goal was to find a rando samaritan to win a war for her people, then left that same rando to his own devices as a dirt eater. Hoping that he would become strong enough to fight with other demons in the future. Talk about lack of planning and irresponsibility.
3. After MC learns how to control his transform ability, he discovers it does not work well with his light skills. How do they even conflict with each other? Does the game version have those skills conflict with each other as well?
4. The 1st arc was just confusing af with the sudden revival of his Master and the soul stone world.
5. Dumb plan by MC to ambush Big Boss Lizard, MC won just through sheer plot armor.
I don't like it when MC acts idiotic in situations where he just needs comon sense to solve.
In my opinion the author also does not highlight or give emphasis to fights. It all becomes a mix of boring and repetitive moments where MC use a dull set of skills to finish the job with no tactics, creativity, and thought behind his attacks.
This is not for me, but I think some might like it though so please try it first.
2023-03-23 11:36
Chap 11

chapter 1 is fine I can still get it but chapter 2 onwards? No. not at all. I am confusion. So dropping
2023-03-20 03:24
149, 103 I tried but I wanna read smth else now im srry~
2022-04-22 08:02
Low rate,is it good?
2022-03-16 19:46
. The brick eater guy story
Stopped at chpt 35
2021-10-07 23:19
parei no cap 5
2021-10-06 02:48
Wait for ch 101
Ch 100 recap, the dungeon manager took advantage and mind controlled a demon royal family with the spider enemy and took over his body. Main was close to getting rid of him but the imperial guards mistook main as hurting an imperial member. The countess was pissed they messed up and apologized to main. The rat was a double crosser the whole time ever since main entered the dungeon bc he felt disconnected with mains group. Meanwhile the dungeon is currently being managed by one of the minotaurs souls in the dungeon managers body while they currently clean up the place. They manage to avoid an enemy break thru but lost an imperial member to a non member with the power of light he would misuse
Ch 91 the reason why countess didn't send her own ppl to arrest or gather evidence is bc the manager has the ability to mind control. If u r able to deflect it, it would still cause headaches and even go berserk so they have been avoiding him.
Ch 89 so the dungeon manager is scheming with another enemy to take over the kingdom since he did not follow the current ruler and plans for the spider army to get thru the kingdom with the dungeon as an access point
Ch 86 main found out after looking thru the account books, the dungeon master was the one who was getting a cut from the human trafficking and taking resources provided by the kingdom to line his own pockets. Main heard from the countess of an "enemy" but no evidence, she probably knew what was going on but no evidence go convict. So main hires his best rat man to do info collecting
Ch 66 main won the fighting tournament and was recognized by the demon countess noble. She tested main bc to her, main isn't like other monsters and worries about his beliefs and if it would hinder the way of life. Enemies and even colleagues can be ur enemy, u must be strong to defend urself but also be a good leader. Main will be tested by going to a dungeon with a group. It was funny how he tried to recruit but heard he was only a junior leader. Until his recommendation letter and his winning the tournament convinced others to see him as a strong person to fight along with
Ch 50 recap, they reach the city where one of blue demon's sister reigns over. The sister with pigtails holds blue with bad feelings bc blue left the throne with no one to take over. Pigtails looked up at blue but hated how blue just left without a word when blue was strong enough to be ruler. This world is all about being powerful as a sign of status. Demons are at the very top. Blue wanted main to help end the feud btwn her family members since their fights are causing the other monster weaklings getting dragged into this mess and losing their lives. She didnt care before but doesnt want her world to collapsed due to constant war. So main has to get stronger. Also this world is normalized to take over strong bodies. Ppl have soul stones and when injected into another body, u can possess that body. Demons are sought after bc of their powerful abilities but bc of their abilities they are able to protect themselves from being taken
Ch 35 new bodies thanks to the demons that had requested mains help. They know main is hiding something about his summoner but sees him interesting bc of his abilities and he is an otherworlder. Main and his zombie friend now in a new living body will teach her how to live a free life since she was a slave ever since her soul stone was in a chimera zombie slave
Ch 33 finally main gets answers why the blue haired demon looking being summoned main into the other world
Name: The Dungeon Master
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Jae-hoo Park , Studio Ramda 2000 released.
Genre(s): Shounen / Fantasy
Alternative: Dungeon Majesty; 던전의 주인님
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