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Comments of The Fantastical After-School Writing Club

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2024-06-01 07:00
Its fucking weird huhuh ano yun??? Kdndksjx
2024-04-18 11:15
Pretty hilarious but also, in all honesty, pretty shit
2024-03-26 18:03
the fl is relatable but also not. she keeps coming to weird ass conclusions like OH HE KUST BE FUCKING THE HUNKY MAN which is just like not how a train of thought goes
2024-03-20 05:17
ngl literally thoguht he was a female..

oky so like everyone knows aabt them being sucked inside a story. blue hair is planning smth w green hair, mc had to mive away. Maybe to run away from the story. Green hair is also suspicious, i mean everyone there is
2024-03-17 02:50
2024-03-03 19:39
I started this drama today and I'm just like when is the next chapter coming out I didn't f****** new that it's only came out last year July and so now I'm just like oh my god I am not getting a new chapter
2024-02-27 16:00
Ch6 ml gives birth
Ch13 ml written into a bl
Ch19 Mc leaves while ml lies
2023-10-24 21:19
Comedy / Fantasy
2023-08-27 13:30
This is so dumb and creative at the same time— I need more
2023-07-18 19:25
Hmmm this story had a lot of potential but honestly it's still pretty good. Anyone who says the fl is overly stupid, rude or anything of the sorts; shut up. She is the most realistic person there and those villagers are USING them. The ml's attitude and personality? What the hell happened, like why did he suddenly become so wishy washy? Nonetheless the story is still...infuriating? The end of season was a terrible way to end a season, it leaves a "wtf" and bitter taste in your mouth. This started off very great and the more I read, the angrier I got. The ml is ok and level headed but atp he's literally just a background character. We only see him crying or whatever in the made up scenarios, we don't see much of his inner thoughts or something about him? It looks like that we will (hopefully) see more of his level headedness and personality in the upcoming season though. For now he can take it up the ass with that other bloke (I FUCKING HAATEEE THAT TALL GUY???) for all I care, I to be honest do not care about him or like him that much. Anyways fl is a tad bit annoying but imo my favourite character and the one I truly actually care about. And if those villagers get a redemption arc or they don't face some serious consequences and it ends all happy happy with the protagonists and them being happy together I'm dropping this to a one star. The fl seems like she wouldn't accept that but with that.... ml seems like that will happen. The chemistry and dynamic between them is fucking horrible and I cannot see them as a couple at all, the author seems like they usually write bl and couldn't leave it out of this story.
2023-06-12 01:37
[19] to be honest im getting annoyed of the fl being so hot tempered calling the ml the asshole when he isnt and the mans been the victim 90% of the time whos the one getting beaten up and getting taken advantaged by that tiger guy?? Also what EXACTLY happened to this man why did he get so soft when they were butting heads 24/7 in chapter 1?? Everything feels so one-sided now.. sorry i didnt expect their dynamic to be like this, it was funny though but ill wait for more chapters (enough for character development) to come back here
2023-06-07 22:11
Omgg I can’t wait to see what happens next!
2023-05-28 22:45
Ch 6-7: he he boobs…

THIS IS SO GOOD I LOVE THE MYSTERY, like Ouu what’s making them trapped in the village, how much for the villagers know? Evil hot man ?
2023-05-21 03:39
this story is such a joy
Name: The Fantastical After-School Writing Club
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: 2022 released.
Genre(s): Comedy / Fantasy
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