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Comments of The Rebirth of the Demon God

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2022-02-10 01:32
On ch 54

Ch 53 while main was looking for a medical ingredient, he came across a dragonborn and she was sealed by a barrier and main absorbed the seal and unknowingly made a pact with her so she isn't totally free but she can at least leave the cave she was trapped in for 300 yrs
Ch 26 the taoist old man teacher was wary of main bc of his newly developed demonic techniques, but after main did the mission successfully and even saved some ppl, it shows that not all demonic practitioners r evil like how not all taoists r good. He asks main if main would be learning both the tao and the demonic way. Apparently teacher believes there r similarities btwn humans and demons and especially techniques, there may be a chance for both to live in harmony
2021-10-26 08:54
hi is this story dropped?im on chapter 64 and saw that the last ud was on june 2021
2022-10-03 06:59
123 Chapters (Completed) could not continue reading its boring and bad
2021-05-29 22:04
112 Harem :/ stopped in 2022
2021-05-28 16:27
Can you fix the translation?? I swear I'm having a damn hard time trying to understand what they're talking about. Spelling and grammar, please fix it. Its not fun reading it if all the translations are upside down
2021-05-24 11:56
I'm on chapter 90.
2021-02-11 16:10
2021-02-25 19:11
Don't trust these kids who lacks brain cells this book is fire trust
Name: The Rebirth of the Demon God
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Island Project 2019 released.
Genre(s): Action / Fantasy / Harem / Webtoons
Alternative: Rebirth of Demon Reigns; 重生之魔尊当道
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