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Comments of The Sicilian's Banished Bride

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2023-07-23 06:15
FL has got to be the dumbest woman on the planet to forgive this man. He 100% was protecting his family’s reputation over her well-being. Like how could the author possibly think this looks good?
2023-06-09 03:20
I hope I'll never be stupid over love like her. The man never try to win your heart only he doing is crying n you forgive n forget
2022-11-05 03:24
Seriously for once refuse the man for your non-existent self-esteem but its already not there ugh...
Are girls seriously this stupid
2022-11-01 14:36 more delusional nympho fl...yah lets just frget every bad thing ml does n think only of sxx...wht the hell. actual book is even worse
2022-11-02 04:12
male lead is trash!!!!!!
2023-07-22 23:22
You gotta be kidding me. How did she end up apologizing and convincing him not to leave her when he was the arse in the entire story.
2022-12-26 20:59
He was garbage. Lie to and mentally torture the woman you "love," because of your insecurities, while paying off the people who deliberately destroyed her life? Buddy, you need enough medication to keep you sedated for the rest of your filthy life. The only thing you deserve is a gravestone that reads, "Here Lies Excrement." The only thing greater than his lack of character was his exceptional stupidity.
2022-10-17 03:56
Dumb, very cliché in a bad way
Name: The Sicilian's Banished Bride
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Maya Blake 2019 released.
Genre(s): Adult / Drama / Romance
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