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Comments of Toshishita na Kare wa Risei o Sutetai

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2023-04-28 01:50
Not a fan of the age gap but at least he's 18. Other than that super cute story
2023-04-14 09:53
age gap ahaha
2023-02-27 04:19
great art and great story! but…ummmm…they just got over her ex who just assaulted her and tried to rape her??? good story but what the fuck was that???! he turned from assaulting her to helping lise and subaru confess their feeling for each other in like literally 5 panels. like what the fuck???? y’all just let him walk out the door like that???? also couldn’t get over the fact that his name was subaru (like the car company XD)
2022-09-10 19:48
It's ok, but I don't know. I don't mind age difference, or the woman being older, but this story just makes me uncomfortable. Maybe because she was drunk their first time and she's a pushover so it makes it seem like he took advantage of her? Also, the romance just didn't convince me. The ex is an ass and he should have been beaten up harder than that. As for Subaru, his family problems kinda piss me off. Like I know people have their reasons, but when I see storylines like this is just makes me angry because some privileged brat is complaining that their life is too comfortable. For sure his dad and brother were out of line and I would beat them up too, he should have the right to make choices for himself, but I would kill to have that kind of privilege. Anyone I know would kill for that kind of opportunity.

My siblings and I grew up fairly comfortable, but most of my relatives, my parents included, had to crawl their way out of the village they were born in and struggle to get a good education and a good job, and the ones who do manage get shackled with dozens of dependant relatives.

If the trope isn't that well portrayed, I have a hard time feeling sympathy in the face of such privilege.
2022-06-08 17:58
screw that ex, i was like what are you doing??? then he acts like he wasn't trying to take advantage of her, yeah no. but other than that, i like lise and subaru together, they're cute!
2021-10-31 22:34
Is that all? I thought there would be a sequel.
2021-05-11 01:30
My heart is squeezing
2021-01-22 19:58
This would be cute...if it weren't for all the RATCHET hoe men that are scattered inside of this manga. My body is starting to PHYSICALLY reject shit like this because there is so much of it. Like the fuck you want me to say, rape is hot? Fuck this shit, Fuck subaru, and as Subaru's motto says,
"More than just a car company."
2020-12-23 03:06
The ex is somewhat trash, but in the end he was most likely forced out of his relationship with her.
2020-12-15 21:45
Name: Toshishita na Kare wa Risei o Sutetai
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Sumi Linda 2019 released.
Genre(s): Josei / Romance / Smut
Alternative: My Younger Boyfriend Is Being Unreasonable ; Toshishita na Kare wa Risei wo Sutetai ; 年下な彼は理性を捨てたい
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