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Comments of You’re My Favorite Toy

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2024-06-09 20:14
Stalker shit if anyone into it but if you do, please have a talk with your therapist. Stalking is not cute.
2024-06-02 11:10
missing the whole getting together thing???
2024-05-28 02:35
Kinda abrupt & confusing idk
2024-05-22 18:00
I love me some emotionaly underdeveloped semes frfr. This was such a rushed manga, like tatsuki’ character lowkey did not make any sense at all. But i kinda liked him, even though he was such an inconsistently written character. I just liked the way he pursued uke. I wouldn’t say this is the best read, but it’s not bad
2024-05-17 20:33
This is a story that leaves me feeling quite conflicted. While I did enjoy the story for what it ended up being, the initial dynamic established gives an impression of something almost entirely different, to the point I could easily see it being a point of contention for other readers. It brings a sense of tonal inconsistency to this story that I thought was hard to ignore.

Stressed by the possibility of a stalker, Tatsuki goes to a bar with the intention of hopefully unwinding a bit. Upon a chance encounter with Miyako, a classmate who's rumored to be poor and whoring himself for money, Tatsuki remembers something a friend had told him—sleeping with a man gives a power trip like no other—and decides to drag Miyako into the bathroom for a quickie.

Only it turns out Miyako isn't as meek and submissive as Tatsuki thought. He ends up blackmailing Tatsuki and from there, a hectic, morally questionable relationship begins.

As you could probably tell from the premise, it turns out Miyako is the stalker Tatsuki had. The story isn't super explicit about it until the very end but it's essentially an open secret between the story and the reader. And that's not just why I called the relationship "morally questionable." When the switch in dynamic happens and Miyako reveals he's actually quite a dominant, sadistic man, the relationship between him & Tasuki is then built on incredibly blurred lines when it comes to sexual consent. I personally wouldn't call it rape, but I'm not shocked that seemingly most people do.

It also turns out Miyako orchestrated everything to make it so that he and Tatsuki cross paths. He spread rumors of himself being a poor whore, it's implied he influenced Tatsuki's friend to say the comment about "guys being a power trip," and he manufactured all ties so that when Tatsuki inevitably goes looking into his information, he's fed the information Miyako wants him to know.

I'm mentioning that upfront because it's the biggest issue I have, and coming off of the story, it's the thought at the front of my mind. The first few chapters have an unhealthy, toxic dynamic, but once Tatsuki realizes Miyako is probably doing all this just because he has a crush on him, it suddenly feels like it's being handled in a different manner. The story ends very cute, let's just put it like that, and I personally didn't like it.

The thing that makes that all an issue for me is that Miyako's actions just . . . Don't really make sense.

Everything started years before the story takes place, when Miyako has a chance encounter with Tatsuki and instantly becomes enamored by Tatsuki's arrogance and cockiness. I guess he just likes a confident man, which I get. Because of his crush, that leads to events that take place during the story—he stalks Tatsuki, gaslights him, rapes him, and ends up making sure they're coworkers.

That last part . . . Them being coworkers . . . That puts a pin in everything. If he made it so that they'd be coworkers . . . Why bother with everything that he did? He gets what he wanted. They're coworkers. Their paths are gonna cross. It would've been incredibly easy to start some type of relationship from that connection, it just ends up making all of his efforts seem silly and quite pointless.

Lastly, for the critiques, I thought Miyako's actions when compared to his reasoning was a bit uneven. I love a classic case of a yandere, someone who's super intense to an almost scary degree purely because they're in love . . . But Miyako wasn't even really aware of his feelings. Which, while understandable, it does leave me feeling a little like his actions aren't really proportionate to how he feels.

However, with everything I've said, that's not to say I didn't like the story. I did! It's just that my lasting impression isn't the greatest. It left me kind of unsatisfied, but not enough to where I regret reading this story or wouldn't recommend it. I thought Miyako was a fun character to read, and the dynamic between the two main characters was quite great. I love exchanges and struggles of power, which is obviously present with these men
2024-05-17 07:49
sneaky seme x cocky uke
2024-05-13 03:06
The mc is stupid while the ml is a freak
2024-04-30 18:25
Love is lovelier the second time around,
2024-04-09 00:07
he has a collar….
2024-03-31 06:10
this is actually insane. black hair is CRAZY he broke into hisbhouse left a condom in his trash sent him letters in the mail that contained his Hair sucked his dick to blacmail him payed off his friends to gige him false information rented an apartment just to fuck with him touched him inappropriately without his verbal consent ...... theres probably more but... im done. and light hair LIKES THIS about him. light hair thinks he can. fix him. no he doesnt want to fix him he liks him the way he is. .... ... ... ok. someone in the conmebts says light hair has stockholm syndrome i dont agree i think hes just attracted to crazy people ...? i meab he is crazy too dont you guys remember the first freaking chapter this all started because light hair wanted a power trip. ... i hate rich kids... sanway this is so toxic and fhe plot is all ovwr the place but i kind of liked it. though i dont understand what author was tryinf to do here though like the setup was SO GOOD then...... idk it kind of went off the rails then it wenr Back on the rails and they became a Bit normaler and then the last chaptwr black hairs like oh yeah i was the one who broke in and left xondoms in your trash . WHATTTTT!!!! lord. are you crazy are you crazy are you crazy must be stupid if you think that we can start again are you joking must be joking i ainr laughing i aint smoking must be crazyyyy if you think that we cab start again there aint no need to cry no more when you break my heart into twenty four ill pick up the pieces you left if you think im coming back dont hold your breath i aint your mister cause im breaking up with you shiuldve laid down with your sister go now heres my middle finger cayse im hurting baby hurting bababy look what you did are yiy crazy ar eyou crazy are yoh crazy are you crazy AND THIS IS THE AUTHOR OF KINI NO SUMIRE!!!!! HELPP!!!
2024-03-26 23:32
Still don’t understand why he is so obsessed with him? Ehhh
2024-03-22 16:29
It was bad but finished it. Didn't like seme at all
Name: You’re My Favorite Toy
Status: Completed   
Author: Arashi Arima 2019 released.
Genre(s): Yaoi / Drama / Romance / Smut
Alternative: Kimi wa Boku no Okiniiri
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