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Comments of Youko no Danna-sama - Taisho Hanayome Kitan

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2024-04-09 17:59
Last read ch. 14
2024-03-09 03:56
rec'd from an ad i saw.....
2024-02-29 02:36
Chapter 5 - Warning for the disgusting bunch of eyes?? It kinda triggered my trypophobia

Chapter 7 - LETS GOO!! At least two of em are ok! SHE AINT ALONE HERE!!
Chapter 9 - I can’t believe he was able to even last that long while treating her like that

Chapter 11 - Oh so they’re cousins, not just childhood friends … that’s not cool dude, tricking your cousin and shit come on!! You couldn’t even tell how bad his condition’s gotten since that bitch got here!!

Chapter 14 - EUGH! “With this I am one step closer to my complete revival…
2024-02-16 03:37
super fast paced. super meek fl. comical in how cookie cutter the plot is
2024-02-16 15:49
Update faster!
2024-05-22 13:58
It's cliche, it it later became cringe...
2024-01-03 10:33
Akira Hanamura (dumb MC)
Mikoto Sazarashi (Terminally Ill ML)
Hiro Hanamura (bitch ass sister who is the only one have ambition and goal in life…)

Gurl born into a family with musical power bless by the divine Benzaiten and she are twin. In the family, twin usually born with powerful power but since home gurl got none, the family decide to erase her existence to not stain the family. She was then become a servant to her older twin sis. She get abuse until one day ML save her make her his bride. Turn out, she help ML when she lil and he fell for sonde. But the sister ain’t gonna let her weak twin outside her like that so she nane a deal with a spirit to take MC spot and kill ML. MC turn out have a singing magic btw. Also MC is dumb, clueless, can’t do shit, all in all a dumb damsel in distress. ML also terminally ill and need to marry one of the sister who have power (both of them have power but MC herself don’t know she got power). ML servant betray ML thinking he tryna help him and let MC bitch ass sister in the mansion and brainwash everyone. Dumb ass MC just except it… Also when the the older twin sister calling ML a monster (ML is a fox yo Kai descent), MC throw a whole tantrum like take it back, he not a monster and shit like Mc is on a spectrum or something. ACTUALLY HIGH KEY MC IS AUTISTIC AS HELLL
Chap 8: ML have a moment of weakness and tryna warm up MC but he make MC as her sister servant. Also that ugly ass traitor that was so fine in the beginning can go kill himsekf
Chap 9: so ML pretend to be under the spell the whole time and then he transform to tryna kill the evil twin. Bro even give an evil monologue. But MC came to save her sister and saw ML full fox formation.
Chap 10: MC sing and golden light emit from her and ML heal from the wound. Then ML confess to pretending to be deceive and they both say they protect each other be by each other side
Chap 11: now why is ML cousin who betray ml the first time save the bitch ahh sister
Chap 14: they forgive the dude who betray ml and they hold a ceremony to hold for Mc and ml as marriage. Mc sister use magic and the evil spirit take over the dude who betray them body
Chap 15: the servant got posses destroy the barrier and attack people. MC parent still hating and tryna stop Mc
Name: Youko no Danna-sama - Taisho Hanayome Kitan
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Momono Moto 2022 released.
Genre(s): Josei / Fantasy / Romance
Alternative: The Fox Lord's Bride ~ Taisho Romance Chronicles ~
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