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Lists list 2 - Ha Me

Haesin Young 36
Hashimoto Aoi 37
Hiro Reiichi 38-41
Itsuki Kaname 42-44
Kamon Saeko 45-46
Kaneko Ako 47
Katou Setsuko 48-49
Katsura Komachi 50-52
Kawai Touko 53-55
Kim Nuruk 56
Kinoshita Keiko 57-59
Kiriyu Kigoi 60-62
Kitazawa Kyou 63
Kizu Natsuki 64
Kodaka Kazuma 65-67
Kusaka Takaaki 68 
Mentaiko 69

What can a LIST do?

You may feel your favorite manga should be gathered together into distinct categories for your own reference and, now, you can do this with a LIST. After you've created your list or lists, you can proudly recommend them to other manga fans to showcase and share your taste in manga.