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All photos about You Haven't Changed page 1

naurrr keep those pearls
"That "like" of yours should be defined by you only"
big bro moment
ch28 bro is so cute
lil creepy at first but he's just worried about her
a very charming line
"Then if I get mine, I'll take you anywhere you want." adorable TT <3
ch27 bro got a car so he could take her anywhere safely
the type of reaction/behavior I'd prefer
"you and me date please" POG
Taguchi: It's okay.'s not enough. (maybe it's not but he feels forceful w/ his feelings)
Taguchi: let's just hang out as friends :D really?
lil Taguchi's reaction to her invitation AAAAAAHHH
ch26 you go girls >w<
I like Ohata-san lol
uwaaaaah cute blush

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Name: You Haven't Changed
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Kamemizu Tora 2019 released.
Genre(s): One Shot / Romance / School Life
Alternative: やっぱり変わってない; Yappari Kawattenai; Okaeri, Hatsukoi
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