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Should you trust a psychologist?

inori April 30, 2016 9:28 pm

I know that I need to talk to someone because I have a problem and I've decided to talk to a psychologist. Problem is she knows me and my family personally. I'm afraid to trust her because I'm not sure if she will really not say anything to my family. I need advice regarding this. Has anyone of you ever been in the same situation? Should I trust her or should I go to another psychologist, one who doesn't know me or my family personally? Thanks in advance, guys.

    SomeoneOnEarth April 30, 2016 9:39 pm

    well.. i haven't been in that situation but if i were you i would't trust her but that's just my opinion

    Sakura_Lovers April 30, 2016 9:41 pm

    I guess u can trust that psychologist as she knows u and ur family personally and she might be able to give u an advice that is useful for u but I think u should ask her (or make her promise that she won't tell ur family
    (Well never been in such a situation tho)

    ThunderWolf2 April 30, 2016 9:43 pm

    I won't really trust her either... I would go to a different psychologist, just to easy your worriness... I don't think that's a word but i think you get what I'm saying lol

    ShiroHana April 30, 2016 9:43 pm

    on the one hand a psychologist has to keep quiet because professional discretion and if she already knows you maybe she could know a solution for your problem that suits you best...
    on the other hand it could be really embarrassing depends on your problem and then maybe she wants you to tell your parents ...but I don't think she would tell them without your have to decide for yourself what's more important.....I hope I could help you :)

    Sakura_Lovers April 30, 2016 9:45 pm

    Well I guess that u can trust her as she may be able to give u a good advice as she knows u personally but I also think that u should ask her(or make her promise that she won't tell ur family)
    Well I haven't been in such a situation tho

    Sakura_Lovers April 30, 2016 9:47 pm

    Oops I typed same thing two times

    Just Another Girl April 30, 2016 9:48 pm

    If you're worried about it, you see a different psychologist to be safe. Your privacy is more important. You should ask her for a referral and she should understand your worries if she is a professional.

    Okay April 30, 2016 9:49 pm

    If you are in the US, there are laws in place both nationally and in individual states to protect your privacy. Licensed psychologists and therapists are bound by these laws of confidentiality. If you are over the age of 18, the only time this confidentiality can be breached without your consent is if you pose a danger to the public, if there is domestic or child abuse of some kind (in both cases, authorities would be contacted) or there is a court order (which would likely not come from your parents.)

    If you are under 18, check with whatever agency governs mental health care in your state. Different states have different ages at which you are entitled to full confidentiality. If the state allows the involvement of your parents, a reputable psychologist would still keep all but the most risky of behaviors (potentially life-threatening) confidential.

    hopeful April 30, 2016 10:18 pm

    I would go to a different psychologist because the foundation of a therapy is mutual trust! You need to feel comfortable with opening up - if there are doubts like that from the get go it is probably better just to go to somebody else.

    kyaaa May 1, 2016 12:28 am

    i think you should go to another therapist bc she know your family bc you wouldn't feel safe and since she knows your family personally she won't be objective.

    KikiBee May 1, 2016 1:07 am

    Id go to a different one not for privacy but for objectivity. Also you're already concerned about it, you're gonna be uncomfortable

    KyoZaNa✿ May 1, 2016 3:07 am

    The answer's already there. How can you consult someone you don't trust.

    inori May 1, 2016 12:29 pm
    well.. i haven't been in that situation but if i were you i would't trust her but that's just my opinion SomeoneOnEarth

    thanks for the advice :)

    inori May 1, 2016 12:30 pm
    I guess u can trust that psychologist as she knows u and ur family personally and she might be able to give u an advice that is useful for u but I think u should ask her (or make her promise that she won't tell... Sakura_Lovers

    thanks for the advice :)

    inori May 1, 2016 12:38 pm
    The answer's already there. How can you consult someone you don't trust. KyoZaNa✿

    You're right. I've told her stuff, but I tried to be as vague as I could be so as to see if I could be comfortable with her. At first it was fine but after the 2nd session, I got this feeling that I couldn't trust her.

    inori May 1, 2016 12:39 pm
    I won't really trust her either... I would go to a different psychologist, just to easy your worriness... I don't think that's a word but i think you get what I'm saying lol ThunderWolf2

    yeah, I should probably do that. and yes, the word is worries :D

    inori May 1, 2016 12:41 pm
    on the one hand a psychologist has to keep quiet because professional discretion and if she already knows you maybe she could know a solution for your problem that suits you best...on the other hand it could be... @ShiroHana

    that's one reason why i decided to consult with her. i thought that i would be at ease in consulting with someone who knew me and is a professional. anyway, thanks for the advice. :)

    inori May 1, 2016 12:43 pm
    If you're worried about it, you see a different psychologist to be safe. Your privacy is more important. You should ask her for a referral and she should understand your worries if she is a professional. Just Another Girl

    better be safe than sorry, right? :D thank you for the advice

    inori May 1, 2016 12:44 pm
    I would go to a different psychologist because the foundation of a therapy is mutual trust! You need to feel comfortable with opening up - if there are doubts like that from the get go it is probably better jus... hopeful

    you're right. i did trust her at the start but somehow, after the 2nd session I just got this feeling that I couldn't trust her anymore. thank you for the advice :D

    inori May 1, 2016 12:47 pm
    i think you should go to another therapist bc she know your family bc you wouldn't feel safe and since she knows your family personally she won't be objective. kyaaa

    that is one of my worries. i felt that since she knows my family she won't be objective. objectivity, privacy and trust: that's my concerns right now. thanks for the advice :)