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Hell, Heaven, or dust?

KIMCHI May 5, 2021 2:26 pm

Where do you think you’re going after death? Do you know? I know.

    SweetBitchySimp :D May 5, 2021 2:31 pm

    I know but I'm not quite sure...probs hell? Hbu?

    Fujo! May 5, 2021 2:32 pm

    i truly hope reincarnated with my past memories intact

    S q u e l c h May 5, 2021 2:43 pm

    Well it depends on what death ur talkin about.
    Physically or Spiritually.

    KIMCHI May 5, 2021 2:43 pm
    I know but I'm not quite sure...probs hell? Hbu? SweetBitchySimp :D


    KIMCHI May 5, 2021 2:45 pm
    Well it depends on what death ur talkin about. Physically or Spiritually. S q u e l c h

    Physically, one only dies spiritually when you deny God and actively pursue sin and eternal suffering

    KIMCHI May 5, 2021 2:45 pm
    i truly hope reincarnated with my past memories intact Fujo!

    That would be cool, but unfortunately that doesn’t happen

    KIMCHI May 5, 2021 2:46 pm
    I know but I'm not quite sure...probs hell? Hbu? SweetBitchySimp :D

    Do you know what hell Is like?

    Alternative_Account May 5, 2021 2:48 pm

    I don't really know.

    Hell, too hot and sh#tty, I don't want to be there in the first place anyways.
    Heaven, will I meet other deceased people there? Especially dead relatives or something??
    Dust... To plain. Might as well mix me in some flour and make a delicious bread or cake out of me.

    I don't really care where I go. As long as I can be in my own imaginative world and my deceased pets are with me, I'm happy with anything. My pets are my priority to first see when I kicked the bucket, so I hope I go to a place where their souls went to. I call this place "Paradise". My own Paradise, and my own rules and lovely world to live in as a free soul.

    S q u e l c h May 5, 2021 2:49 pm
    Physically, one only dies spiritually when you deny God and actively pursue sin and eternal suffering KIMCHI

    Mmkay. Ur talking bowt physical death , well of course u return into dust

    Alternative_Account May 5, 2021 2:53 pm
    I don't really know. Hell, too hot and sh#tty, I don't want to be there in the first place anyways.Heaven, will I meet other deceased people there? Especially dead relatives or something??Dust... To plain. Migh... Alternative_Account

    Well, if we're talking about Physically and Spiritually d3ath then..
    Physically, I'd rather turn into dust. I'm afraid to suddenly wake up even tho I'm d3ad and find myself inside a coffin.
    Spiritually, The Paradise I'm talking about. There.

    I've just realized I took this question too specifically and seriously lol.

    KIMCHI May 5, 2021 3:11 pm
    I don't really know. Hell, too hot and sh#tty, I don't want to be there in the first place anyways.Heaven, will I meet other deceased people there? Especially dead relatives or something??Dust... To plain. Migh... Alternative_Account

    That’s definitely very Creative and i’d Love for that to be the case, but unfortunately we don’t have a choice where we go, if you don’t believe in God.

    KIMCHI May 5, 2021 3:12 pm
    Mmkay. Ur talking bowt physical death , well of course u return into dust S q u e l c h

    What would you consider spiritual death?

    ✨Suujin May 5, 2021 3:13 pm
    Physically, one only dies spiritually when you deny God and actively pursue sin and eternal suffering KIMCHI

    I grew up in a religious family so I believe in heaven and hell.

    The Bible has very many ways of deciphering because its full of metaphors and similes, right? Our pastor's interpretation (based on research made by other bible scholars and all that) was that, when a person dies, his spirit/soul will be sleeping(?) until they will be ordered to rise up again to be judged. So like, when we die it's like we just go poof--no after life YET. Until God will call everyone to rise up again, like we will wake up and have consciousness again (i think), and wait for Him to call us one by one and be judged as to where we should go, heaven or hell.

    You seem knowledgeable in the religious aspect, so I would want to know how your religious leaders or pastors interpreted it

    ⭐⭐märtina:)⭐⭐ May 5, 2021 3:16 pm

    Before I could think that I always asks myself what do I feel before I die

    ⭐⭐märtina:)⭐⭐ May 5, 2021 3:17 pm
    Before I could think that I always asks myself what do I feel before I die ⭐⭐märtina:)⭐⭐

    but the one I could think of where am i going b4 I die is in 6 feet underground

    ✨Suujin May 5, 2021 3:21 pm
    Before I could think that I always asks myself what do I feel before I die ⭐⭐märtina:)⭐⭐

    You are sitting in a chair inside a room, facing a window. Outside the window you are looking at the most beautiful, peaceful, relaxing scenery you could ever imagine. Because of the view you are enjoying, you feel at complete and utter peace within yourself. Suddenly, without any warning, someone comes up to the window and pulls the shades! There is nothing at all you can do about it.

    What are your three emotions in the order that you feel them? Send me a reply to your answer :)

    S q u e l c h May 5, 2021 3:22 pm
    What would you consider spiritual death? KIMCHI

    I'm saying 100% Heaven coz i'm already saved from my sins whether past and future..
    But it does not say i should continue sinning since i'm save. He is a just God , he hates sin and there is consequence in every actions.

    So yea , everything is a process we can't change in just a sec and we cant do it on our own that's why we need Him .. everyday is pruning for us to be presentable when time comes to meet him ..

    sasa May 5, 2021 3:24 pm
    i truly hope reincarnated with my past memories intact Fujo!

    This would be the ideal scenario imo, no static-ness of an infinite afterlife, no end to existence - conditional immortality!

    KIMCHI May 5, 2021 3:25 pm
    I grew up in a religious family so I believe in heaven and hell.The Bible has very many ways of deciphering because its full of metaphors and similes, right? Our pastor's interpretation (based on research made ... ✨Suujin

    Ooh, ok. By my religious standards, Christianity, we believe that when you die your soul is judged by God, He checks the book of lambs and I find your name appears you go to heaven, but if not you are cast into hell. But, the book of lambs isn’t just some Willy billy book, your name is in there if you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and saviour. Salvation in christians perspective is a free gift from God, that is open to anyone. You don’t have to be a great person or even just a good person to be able to accept his gift of eternal life. Why go to Hell when Heaven is so attainable?

    Alternative_Account May 5, 2021 3:25 pm
    I grew up in a religious family so I believe in heaven and hell.The Bible has very many ways of deciphering because its full of metaphors and similes, right? Our pastor's interpretation (based on research made ... ✨Suujin

    Well, since my dad always listens to bible lessons, whether we're eating, or he has nothing to do, I've sometimes became curious about it too. And yes, the bible teacher did mention about Heaven existing, and it only exist because someone made it, which is he's referring to God. Well, based on the bible lessons I hear from my dad, I would also like my soul to go to Heaven, instead of going to Hell. Apparently, the bible teacher my dad listens to does not believe in reincarnation, so I have no plans on getting reincarnated, not like I wanted it anyway. He has a very long explanation on why he doesn't so I will not say that now. I've also heard him mentioning that once you go to Heaven, you will not feel pain, hunger, and only calmness. But strangely, I don't think I'm ready if it's Heaven. Even tho it's such a lovely place to for our souls to go, I just feel very weird about it, and seems to feel a little out of place. So I just manage to chose my own perspective world of my own. Where I can think what I want, follow what I want, rules of my own, My very own imaginative world. Surely, it sounds wonderful and I'm hoping something like that exist. Whether it's only in your dreams, or where your souls goes to.
    I hope this explanation was clear, as for I am not that good at explaining stuff, but I did have a lot to share in my mind so thank you for asking. That's all.