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T-BONE September 27, 2016 1:13 pm

I know it not this place to discuss this but well i need your help ok

thing is that school start and it happen i will be alone in class without my friends , when it class it ok because we study but when the teacher is absent i set all alone and i really really hate being by myself and i'm bad at making friends and becouse of that im really becoming depressed i know it something silly but please help me

    kanqrse September 27, 2016 1:20 pm

    Same here. Everyone else will be happily chitchatting when the teacher's not around and I just sit there awkwardly by myself, pretend to be occupied with homework. I do have friends, but not close enough to just talk about random things and random time. Maybe it's just me.
    I'm in a somewhat same situation as u so sadly I can't give any advice. But u can always share your worries here, I'll listen.

    Moonsage September 27, 2016 1:27 pm

    Yeah, I know what you're talking about, I've been there a few times myself. But, usually, when it's happen, I try to make friends with people that sat near me. I'm also bad, like really bad, at making friends. People seems to think that I'm the overly serious type with heavy aura, and I'm a really awkward people, so many times people misunderstand me. But, from my past experience, sometimes, you just have to ignore the voice in your head that told you to be proper because you're afraid of what will people think about you and just be yourself. Not really be yourself, (since, really, when can we really be ourselves around other people?) but enough to make you comfortable around them and they'll also be comfortable around you.

    Meri September 27, 2016 1:27 pm

    just talk to your classmates, or the person sitting next to you. no matter how awkward, nerve-wracking, and scary it may be, or no matter how short a conversation you'll have, that's just how friendship always is from the start. then continue those maybe awkward talks, and surely and gradually, you'll become comfortable with your class/ new friends.

    source: life experience (=・ω・=)

    T-BONE September 27, 2016 1:40 pm
    Same here. Everyone else will be happily chitchatting when the teacher's not around and I just sit there awkwardly by myself, pretend to be occupied with homework. I do have friends, but not close enough to jus... @kanqrse

    Haha ..... thanks well it look like we are in the some situation , i also pretend to do homework or copy things but well that make me feel more lonely ... by the way don't hesitate to share your worries i will try to help you too

    T-BONE September 27, 2016 1:42 pm
    Yeah, I know what you're talking about, I've been there a few times myself. But, usually, when it's happen, I try to make friends with people that sat near me. I'm also bad, like really bad, at making friends. ... Moonsage

    I know what you mean i try to do that to but sadly it didn't work

    T-BONE September 27, 2016 1:43 pm
    just talk to your classmates, or the person sitting next to you. no matter how awkward, nerve-wracking, and scary it may be, or no matter how short a conversation you'll have, that's just how friendship always ... Meri

    Thanks for that ill try

    T-BONE September 27, 2016 1:51 pm

    But in the end if it doesn't work on the time the teacher is absent i bring my favorite book with me..... will that be strange or weird ?

    Meri September 27, 2016 2:08 pm
    But in the end if it doesn't work on the time the teacher is absent i bring my favorite book with me..... will that be strange or weird ? T-BONE

    ...don't run away by using your favorite book. talk. face your fears.

    but i guess it's alright if you really can't do it for the time being. but be sure you'll do!

    and no, it's not really strange or weird. tbh, the best life advice i could give anyone is just do what you really want to do. and if that's what you really WANT to do, then don't give a damn about what other people think. just do what you want. you won't regret it (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    T-BONE September 27, 2016 2:26 pm
    ...don't run away by using your favorite book. talk. face your fears. but i guess it's alright if you really can't do it for the time being. but be sure you'll do!and no, it's not really strange or weird. tbh, ... Meri

    Hmm it look like im really running away arent i , i will try my best , but what a perfect life advice thanks

    black manju September 27, 2016 2:27 pm
    But in the end if it doesn't work on the time the teacher is absent i bring my favorite book with me..... will that be strange or weird ? T-BONE

    The best (and practically only real) friend i made in school, i made because of a book.
    After a year of not really even talking to that girl i ended up sitting next to her, (the whole class was shuffling seats every other day). She was reading Game of Thrones between classes, and i had just finished that book (i listened to the audio book, so she never saw me reading)
    That day went pretty much like this "Oh! You're reading Game of Thrones" *talk talk talk talk* bam! end of school. We didn't even pay attention to classes, we just talked the whole day about the book xD
    I must mention that we had totally different personalities, she was the cool type, friendly with everyone and me a hopeless introvert. But the book "broke the ice" like a sledgehammer (≧∀≦)
    The only advice i can give, strike a conversation of smth you enjoy, and find someone who shares that interest (maybe not the yaoi tho xD, not everyone can take that).
    Smth like a movie, a book, youtubers, actors, nailpolish maybe xD
    Or try to trow yourself into a conversation, once you recognize a subject you know about. Something sciencey, like global warming, or animals, space, or gossiping about famous ppl, that is supposed to work, but i never managed
    to do it :P

    T-BONE September 27, 2016 2:36 pm
    The best (and practically only real) friend i made in school, i made because of a book. After a year of not really even talking to that girl i ended up sitting next to her, (the whole class was shuffling seats ... black manju

    If i could talk to everyone about yaoi i wouldnt be able to close my mouth , hahah thanks for that

    Anonymous September 27, 2016 3:20 pm

    Hi there! I had similar ploblems myself. In uni i started reading lots of psychological and self improvement books that helped me to change a lot the way I was feeling about people and perciving them. Its still not perfect but its different now:), if you really want you can change the way you percive the wolrd and people, and how you interact with them. Get rid of social fears and feelings of being separated ;) its your choice to make! I keep my gingers crossed for you!

    T-BONE September 27, 2016 3:25 pm
    Hi there! I had similar ploblems myself. In uni i started reading lots of psychological and self improvement books that helped me to change a lot the way I was feeling about people and perciving them. Its still... @Anonymous

    I see maybe i should try to read a few books , thanks for the cheers

    Diana September 27, 2016 4:04 pm

    so um should i write this? Ah whatever i'll write this anyway..
    first of all i hate people who talk in class, in my class there are some that don't put their phones down, and just text text and don't pay attention to the teacher and there are some that just chit chat with each other i just hate it, if you're here to text and talk why are you coming in school, you go to school because you want to learn something that'll benefit me and you.
    I also am bad at making friends and i'm quite shy plus i'm picky about my friends, i don't consider everyone my friend.
    If you want to be friends with someone just say hi, or wattsup, talk about something that is mutual about both of you, try helping them when they are in trouble, try saying hi every time you see them, if you are way too shy you must be brave what can i say you shouldn't be afraid of failure

    T-BONE September 27, 2016 4:20 pm
    so um should i write this? Ah whatever i'll write this anyway..first of all i hate people who talk in class, in my class there are some that don't put their phones down, and just text text and don't pay attenti... Diana

    Of course im going there to learn and not play , ahhhh but that not the point anyway as you say im afraid of failure and reject and at the worse im shy too so it hard to make friend but well i guess i should brave too and try my best

    T-BONE September 27, 2016 4:23 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! MOI?

    Hmmm.....are you trying to help me or make worse ?

    sohaa September 27, 2016 4:25 pm

    I think you should try to have little conversation with people around you,y'know its really important because talking is something you have to do all your life....
    Even if it is difficult...just try your best...

    T-BONE September 27, 2016 4:28 pm
    I think you should try to have little conversation with people around you,y'know its really important because talking is something you have to do all your life....Even if it is difficult...just try your best... sohaa

    Yeah i know that thanks

    Diana September 27, 2016 5:06 pm
    Of course im going there to learn and not play , ahhhh but that not the point anyway as you say im afraid of failure and reject and at the worse im shy too so it hard to make friend but well i guess i should br... T-BONE

    i was talking about you classmates hahaha(≧∀≦)

    Anonymous September 27, 2016 6:04 pm
    I see maybe i should try to read a few books , thanks for the cheers T-BONE

    Well... I can recommend you some points to start... I like working with this method called "Theta Healing" - its helping in reprogramming subconsciousnes rather quickly... but its quite expensive to learn or to have a session. Another one is working with affirmations, good starting site is I recommend reading one of Louise Hay books for starters, to understand whats its all about.