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Can somebody help me - I need the names of all the Akuma mangas (Naruse bros.) from the st...

soulofalover June 25, 2014 12:32 am

Can somebody help me - I need the names of all the Akuma mangas (Naruse bros.) from the st to the last, so I can read them all - I'm totally confused - where do Akuma ni Kiss wo and AKuma wa Hohoemu come in the whole shabang? PLLLZZ help. Thx in advance!

    Anonymous June 26, 2014 4:05 am

    the oldest- raika
    the second son-shouta
    the youngest son- fuuta
    i think the order is:
    Akuma wa Hohoemu (2nd son)
    kawaii akuma (3rd son)
    itoshii akuma(3rd son)
    koishii akuma (3rd son)
    akuma ni kiss wo (1st son).
    hope this helped :)

    Cresent Fish June 26, 2014 6:59 am

    kawaii akuma (3rd son) is the fist one. Akuma wa Hohoemu (2nd son) is the second one

    Peep July 7, 2014 4:53 am