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Hi. We currently started living here last May and I also met my step-brother. He was okay ...

Brother trouble. HELP!!! July 13, 2014 3:44 am

Hi. We currently started living here last May and I also met my step-brother. He was okay but I had some issues with him.
-He's a bit cocky for someone younger than me,
Like he acts like he knows EVERYTHING and he acts like he's ALWAYS RIGHT.
-He treats me (or us) like he's superior .___. Ugh it pisses me off.
-He's a serious grammar nazi. Yeah, I admit that I'm not used t speaking English but he corrects every mispronunciations (in a bad way) It comes off like an insult.
-He insists that he's right like, even if he's wrong he'll find a spot that he's right.
-He insist that I"M ALWAYS WRONG, like when I said something that doesnt concern him and when I'm not serious about something, he's gonna say that "Waa, that's hecka messed up", "Ahh, thats hecka wrong", "Ate, thats not like that here.. blah blah blah"
-And he seems serious about everything Im not serious at. HE KEEPS ON INSISTING THAT I GO OUTSIDE, FOR EFFIN SAKE AN OTAKU DOESNT USUALLY GO OUTSIDE UNLESS ITS ANIME STUFF! He's gonna lecture me about this and that. IM OLDER.
-He's so judgmental u.u It pisses me off real bad.
-I can't keep my temper from thinking of slapping him with his "smart ass personality"

He piss me off but I admit but I still need him (for some reasons) So I wanna know how I'll be able to handle that kind of guy and keep my f*ching temper on that kid. u_u'' I need some advice on how to deal with that kind of person. And some mangas with that kind of person. >.<

    Brother trouble. HELP!!! July 13, 2014 4:01 am

    And sorry if I sound childish. I just want to let this out and once resolve its done, I have so much to learn since I'll be encountering a lot of people now cause I'll be attending a community school now here in America, which means I'll be needing a greater study of dealing with people. (did that make sense? err. sorry) So yeah. I'll be turning 16 in 4 days so I'm gonna be on my mission to acting like a lady. (I have to keep my childish persona in TTnTT)

    lilac July 13, 2014 4:19 am

    honestly just be yourself! You've got plenty of time to mature, don't rush yourself ^^ as long as you balance work and fun you'll be all right :) As for your step brother just play cool and just act a little disinterested and bored. Throw in some cynical remarks. It might make him more of an asshole at first, but he'll have to learn that you can (and should) go at your own pace not just what he's telling you to do. Don't be rude to him but be polite and maybe distant. btw just because a stereotypical otaku doesn't go outside doesn't mean it's a terrible place to go every once in awhile ;)

    Honestly just put your foot down and don't back down even when he's at his most aggravating to let him know you can't be pushed around so easily :P

    Meri July 13, 2014 4:47 am

    yeah i know that feeling of when someone is always trying to be the wise one (my family... you know "their stupid pride")
    But by personal experience let me tell you this, dont try to fight it, WHY? for two reasons: 1. you are going to regret it later (i want to make it short so i wont explain this part) 2. you will only tire yourself by making the same cycle over and over again, because he will be probably so proud that he will use any stupid words to win the fight and well i expect you to imagine the outcome

    He is constantly messing you up, cause you will react, but once he sees that is nor fun mocking you anymore or having to try something in vain he is going to stop sooner or later and if he show his "knowledge", just give him a "ok ok whatever you say,, yep you are the SMART ONE!!" (as long as you dont change you opinion or you could accept it like nothing without changing yours

    Besides you by doing that you can show him how the "ADULTS" act, by showing him that you are not picking up his CHILDISH fights or idiotic chanllenges

    Meri July 13, 2014 4:50 am

    sorry i tried to make it short, but dont worry it worked for me, and if you are stressed try to give him sarcastic answers and watch his face, you will definitly feel better

    Meri July 13, 2014 4:51 am

    and sorry for some mistake

    Lol July 13, 2014 5:01 am

    U should smack some respect into him. Jk. Find something u r better at and show him that you are better in that category. Tell him that u each have ur own niche and should stick to that niche. Do not let him interfere in ur private moments/things/thoughts. And most of not let him get to you and try to get along somehow. Find some common ground and make some rules. If u can not do that. Return to the first option...smack him. :)

    Anonymous July 13, 2014 5:21 am

    Yeah I guess that attitude would make anybody angry.
    I can only say the same as lilac and Meri, most of that works with that kind of person.
    If you really can't/want-to snap at him the best way is to ignore, entirely, every time you don't like what he says or how he says it (don't even look at him). No use anwering to any of his taunts, cause even if you give him a good comeback he'll find a way to turn it around.
    The only times you answer or talk to him is when he talks to you like a civilized person. And always talk calmly to him even if he's not calm.
    I'm mostly like that by nature, and according to my mom that seems to make people more angry than if you argue with them, dunno why tho.
    Good luck.

    Brother trouble. HELP!!! July 13, 2014 6:51 am

    Kyaa. Thank you everyone for answering. All of your advises are great and I admit, all of those are the best advises to follow.

    Just seeing someone respond filled my heart with happiness and somehow cleared up my mind. I'll do my best to follow what everyone advised C:

    Thank you so much!! (๑>◡<๑) I'm truly grateful! Daisuki-desu, minna-san!! Lilac, Meri, Lol, & Anonymous. ◡◡◡◡

    claymore July 13, 2014 7:57 am

    how 'bout you just ignore him?

    iammyself July 13, 2014 8:34 am

    well, the grammar nazi thing also annoys me since i know 5 languages and i keep mixing up similar languages in daily life. so, whenever someone goes all 'i-know-better-than-you-so-i-am-correcting-you', i tel them, "well, the purpose of speech and language is communication and since even a person as yourself understood me, i must say i have fulfilled the main requirement." That usually leaves them all dumbstruck and they further attempt to correct me, to which i say (add monotone and pitiful eyes and gentle smile) , "And that's why you are a kid." Works every time.

    morcheeba July 13, 2014 9:14 am

    Answer in your native language :)