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HarukaTenoh created a topic of Aewol's Dream

I saw a comment said it hv 93 chps, but i tried to search for it, cant find. Huhuu.

HarukaTenoh created a topic of Utsushicha Dame-na Kao

Wtf is wrong with the manager? Is she stalking both of them now?..Misa should hv fired her the moment she made the duplicate keycard..but judging from her submissive behaviour..urghh...hope Misa can tell her off

HarukaTenoh created a topic of Itsuwari no Marigold

Not sure what Hana have to say on Lily's father plan..i hope she will tell her the truth soon

Poor Erica and Koto..had to babysit Aya while keeping their feeling inside. Not blaming Aya tho, shes a teenager and prob still in rebel phase. I ship for EricaxKoto..but seems like its not going to happen. Huhu

HarukaTenoh created a topic of Beast of Blue Obsidian

I thought it wasnt just a flashback..i thought she survived..huhu..the chapter are too short but now they know who behind those attacks.

HarukaTenoh created a topic of Lily of the Valley

i hope, the author wont change the direction of this story based on readers's populars opinion (for Lily to end up with Anna). If Lily supposed to be with Rose, than just follow your original plan. I personally like them together. Anna too weak for Lily. Shes a servant. If the father going to sell Lily to the next richer person, and that person is a man, what can Anna do?. Rose doesnt seems to be a bad character too. If Rose can change from being a playgirl (which only bcoz shes lonely) to be a 1 steady lover, than i think it good enough. Lol. Anyway, i like this more than author's previous work. Please continue with your original plan. It might be more interesting that way.