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tongtong created a topic of Little Mushroom

An Zhen's so adorable fdbhrdgb the art is so cute and pleasing to the eyes too

tongtong created a topic of Saturday's Master

I wanna see more pics of younger Mr. Han
And I hope they will take a lot of pictures in the future cuz Seodan doesn't have much pics of him since he's always been alone Mr. Han do your thing stop being nonchalant too much tsjeegegetnegegge

tongtong created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Baby sung and I have the same birthday!!

tongtong created a topic of Cry Me a River

I swear to god mcs in bl manhwa should have bo mb threat everyone, I feel ad and tired for them

tongtong created a topic of Steel Under Silk

>So mc's father is on the more evil side
> Ml is on the lesser evil side since he has debt he killed mc's father
> That's why we are here now

tongtong created a topic of Monday'saviour

Where's my comment???

Mc will see his former bully's huge poster. He seems like working as an idol and under the ml's brother's agency something