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25th Night Baam May 5, 2021 6:03 am

Hello can u not please upload the chapter in Father, I do not want to get married. Because your upload chapters has many error and we cant understand anything. I hope u can leave it to better scanlations god bless

Jez02 May 5, 2021 7:41 am

Of course....those weren't my translations...I wasn't sure if there were other groups and I tbh I wanted other groups to upload them.. but there was a mistake in the posted chapters and the one I posted was a tiny bit better....just sharing for the people that want a slight headstart

Jez02 May 5, 2021 7:46 am

I'm really sorry...I didn't mean to cause others inconveniences...I really thought it would be better

25th Night Baam May 5, 2021 9:25 am
I'm really sorry...I didn't mean to cause others inconveniences...I really thought it would be better Jez02

Oh im sorry if you think im rude hehehe you said that it is not your translation right? Im sorry about that part. I know you have good intention to us as a reader and also as a uploader but if you want to upload can i suggest? If the translations are having some mistakes you can clean it so that we will not confuse on the chapters uploaded

Jez02 April 4, 2021 2:10 pm

I think you'll have to give me access to it

Jez02 April 4, 2021 2:10 pm

It won't let me open the file

Jez02 April 4, 2021 2:08 pm

Thank u so much

arinkhai April 4, 2021 2:01 pm

Here's the link please don't share it with others tqsm