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07 06,2021 uploaded
black lotus June 7, 2021 10:57 pm

The “help” is here if you need it. Have a nice life my guy

black lotus June 7, 2021 10:59 pm

And I don’t. Who the fuck even mentioned a depression disorder

Quicksilver June 7, 2021 10:03 pm

This is a violation of copyright law, and it's a federal crime. Anyway, I'll never look at a critique by someone who thinks that an artist experimenting with the colors of a horse on a draft of a work in progress is valid criticism. Luckily it was the only item my eyes grabbed from your list "bullet points." You just don't get it. Your "help" was unasked for, unneeded, unwelcome, and an interruption of an artist's creative process.
I was even nice about it, even though seeing my images in that way made me literally sick at my stomach with each image I saw put up in front of hatemongers to ridicule and who continue to ridicule.
You seem to think you have exclusive rights to major depression disorder.

Sleepé June 11, 2021 3:17 am

Mf there's no pictures, it just has the ID of the picture

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