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25 09,2016 uploaded
《Lilas》--❦--❀ July 24, 2015 9:20 am

hahaha It is okay to complain about how picky I am as much as you like because it is a fact. Thank you for calling me lovable, that's really kind of you (⌒▽⌒)
Well about guro, there is a misunderstanding, usually like you've said it, guro as it is used by Japanese mangakas is always in a hentai form ("ero guro hentai"), so if I said I like guro, then its fair of you to assume that I am talking about hentai. However, I am using the term as it is used by westerners (gore= depictions of horror, blood and guts). For your part, you're using the term accurately, from mine, I should've told you that I like gore but not guro because there is a difference, albeit some people think they are the same.
But yes, you're right, we have similarities in taste like liking Seinen (Shamo for instance), horror, gore and well-built bodies. I like body-building a lot because it involves determination, patience, effort and it is the peak of natural aesthetics (but I'd rather see a guy and a woman but not two guys together --- now hide me, I don't want to be bombarded by yaoi fans). Darn, I am really picky and fussy ( ̄∇ ̄")
You're awesome in your own right too because you've got guts in declaring what you like but above all, I think that you really have a good heart. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Gore_Whore July 24, 2015 7:58 pm

Haha i would never complain, but its really hard to recommend you something if you're that picky. xD
No problem, i'm just being honest about you. <3
Omg it seems i've really misunderstand you about this thing. :O I really thought you like guro even if you dislike hentai, you know because of the gore part in it. xD But its okay, everyone has a different taste. :D I like guro and gore. :D
Yeah Shamo was really nice..btw did you finished it? Ohhhh well builded bodies are so sexy! ヾ(☆▽☆) Of course i like all my things in a sexual way. xD Thats a bit different from for Shibari, if you remember our conversation. xD (haha thats also okay, not everyone is a hardcore fujoshi. xD I like all kind of couples..gender doesnt matter for me. xD)
Awww Lilas-chan dont say such sweet words or i'll jump you. *.*

《Lilas》--❦--❀ July 25, 2015 8:23 am
Haha i would never complain, but its really hard to recommend you something if you're that picky. xDNo problem, i'm just being honest about you. <3Omg it seems i've really misunderstand you about this thing.... Gore_Whore

Oh well don't worry about that, I also try to take other people's feelings into consideration when they recommend something to me, so I do my best to give it a try if it is a book, novel, music or movie.
hmmm about Shamo, well I still haven't started it yet and I think that I'll read it in several installments during the upcoming months. My plan was to start reading it from the end of June but I fell ill and I am still recovering. It is a hard cold and I am getting treatment for it so nothing to worry about.
My plan for my summer break was to work on my drawing but that too has to be distributed into several installments because well, I'll only be free during August and days pass by quickly :::sigh:::
Hahaha so you still remember that conversation lol ... hmmm so you're taste encompasses almost all manga genres.
LOL You always tease me like that though I am no match for this genre of teasing. I am really a vanilla person, can't you give me a kiss on the cheek instead?! (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

Gore_Whore July 25, 2015 8:53 am
Oh well don't worry about that, I also try to take other people's feelings into consideration when they recommend something to me, so I do my best to give it a try if it is a book, novel, music or movie.hmmm ab... 《Lilas》--❦--❀

Haha okay. But would you read some nice yaoi too? even if you're not into it? :D Btw what kind of music do you like?
Aww oh no...get well soon Lilas-chan. Want a cup of tea? :D I'll put my love in it. xD
Oh you draw? :D I didnt know..will you post them in an album here on mangago then? :D
Of course i do. hehe Yes, but there's one genre which i really didnt like very much: CHEESY SHOUJO. xD
Since you've said it..i will tease you even more. Be prepared. hehehe Can i lick you instead of kissing? (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

《Lilas》--❦--❀ July 25, 2015 6:10 pm
Haha okay. But would you read some nice yaoi too? even if you're not into it? :D Btw what kind of music do you like?Aww oh no...get well soon Lilas-chan. Want a cup of tea? :D I'll put my love in it. xDOh you d... Gore_Whore

** Oh well, I am not interested in yaoi. Of course there was a time when I was interested and still am by Hagio Moto, Motoni Modoru and Sadahiro Mika respective works but not because it is yaoi but because I took an interest in their work and the universe they create in mangas. I am really a bibliophile so books are my priority not mangas but within mangas, I'd rather spend time reading seinen because the drawing used in it is much more advanced than that used in most of the other mangas genres.
** I like mostly classical music and romantic music from the 60's till the 80's.
** Yes, I want that cup of tea. Without any doubt love and encouragement will help a sick person recover faster.
** Well I wouldn't say that "I draw", not just yet. I am working hard to become able to say "I draw"; will I post my work in mangago? I don't know. I was thinking about opening an account on DeviantArt or starting a tumblr webpage (we just shall have to wait and see).
** Oh, I am not bothered by cheesy shoujo hahaha
** hmmm It ismore like bullying not teasing lol ... you have an "S" spirit inside of you and it's coming out hahaha!! Well sure you can lick as much as you want, no problem if I were an ice-cream or a lollipop but I am neither so you may not ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ (● ̄(エ) ̄●) hahahaha Gotcha ⊂( ̄(エ) ̄)⊃ . Legendary and rare cats like myself always find a way to bail out hahaha You didn't catch me with your rope last time either ::::whistle of joy:::: 。.:☆*:・'(*⌒―⌒*)))

Gore_Whore July 26, 2015 1:37 am
** Oh well, I am not interested in yaoi. Of course there was a time when I was interested and still am by Hagio Moto, Motoni Modoru and Sadahiro Mika respective works but not because it is yaoi but because I to... 《Lilas》--❦--❀

Aww too bad. But you don't dislike yaoi or you do? :O Wahhh i love Sadahiro Mikas manga..they're are always so hot and she draws the best sex scenes. <3 I see..thats cool. :D
Nice music taste you have. :D
Then let me make you a really nice cup of tea filled with my love. :D What kind of tea do you want? :D
Okay, if you ever start and posting them somwhere let me know. :)
So cheesy shoujo is okay but hentai and yaoi not? xDD
But Lilas-chan what are you saying..i would never bully you..only if you want. :D Not only a S side..a M side too. :D
I'll lick you BECAUSE you're not an ice-cream or lollipop. :D Licking people is more interesting. :D
Don't worry i'll catch you someday. Ohh i can imagine all the nice things i'll do to you. :D You will become completely mine..FOREVER LILAS-CHAN..FOREVER!!!! Hehehehe

《Lilas》--❦--❀ July 26, 2015 7:43 am
Aww too bad. But you don't dislike yaoi or you do? :O Wahhh i love Sadahiro Mikas manga..they're are always so hot and she draws the best sex scenes. <3 I see..thats cool. :DNice music taste you have. :DThen... Gore_Whore

** hahaha well no comment about the first question ...
I knew you were going to say that about Sadahiro Mika hahaha but that's not the point, what caught my attention was the contradiction in some of the themes she introduced in her work. Love vs cheating, loyalty vs disloyalty etc. It was almost as if she writes her story from a perspective where she has lost faith in human kind. Some of her characters were simply too much willing to build their own happiness and fulfill their own lust no matter what the cost is even if it meant stepping on other people's lives and happiness. I think that she is one of the few mangakas who would focus on the depravedness of human beings (so behind those blatant sex scenes, there is actually - and sometimes - a point of view, a pessimistic one, about life).
** Oh but I forgot to ask what kind of music do you listen to?
** I want flowering tea. I've always wanted to get my hands on some
** Yeah I will.
** (● ̄(エ) ̄●) Making fun of my reading choices, are we (=・ω・=) ?
** hmmm that's what you said the last time (=・ω・=) but I am not an easy catch and maybe I'd catch you first with the fishing net of my ideas ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Gore_Whore July 26, 2015 8:24 am
** hahaha well no comment about the first question ...I knew you were going to say that about Sadahiro Mika hahaha but that's not the point, what caught my attention was the contradiction in some of the themes ... 《Lilas》--❦--❀

Why not? Yes or no..i promise i won't be mad or something. I'm just curious. xD
Shit you really search for a deep meaning in manga. xD
** I like all kind of music genres, but mostly i listen to Hardstyle. ;D
** This tea looks really cool. Where can i buy it? :D
** Ah no no, i dont make fun of your reading choices..i respect your taste, because everyone has a different one. But i wonder why are you so disgusted by porn? :O There's nothing bad about it. :D Doesnt it turn you on? xD
** If i catch you, i'll cut off your legs and put you in a cage. :) And then i'll love you for the rest of our lives. xD OR you can do this to me..or more gruesome things. Surprise me. :D
(If this comments are getting too extreme for you, please let me know. I'll stop then. xD)

《Lilas》--❦--❀ July 27, 2015 11:14 am
Why not? Yes or no..i promise i won't be mad or something. I'm just curious. xDShit you really search for a deep meaning in manga. xD** I like all kind of music genres, but mostly i listen to Hardstyle. ;D** Th... Gore_Whore

** OMG what a tyrant (● ̄(エ) ̄●) Let's see it is not a matter of liking or disliking yaoi especially that objectively speaking most mangakas try their best to remain competitive in terms of coming up with interesting stories and compelling art. However what puts me off is the fans' reaction, obviously there is much more infatuation among them when it comes to yaoi compared to the reaction of other fans who consume other genres of mangas. It is this kind of reactions which reveal in my opinion the implications of yaoi, whether they were intended or not, like idealizing and mystifying the image of MM couples and maybe, even if it weren't intentional, bearing some sort of a misogynistic trope towards the capability of women of procuring happiness and being happy inside of a couple. It is not a coincidence in my opinion that more publishers decided to join in publishing BL mangas at a time when the country was about to witness the beginning of a major crisis within the married couples, i.e. sexless couples. Of course yaoi has its own history but the way I see it, it has become one of the products offered to women to satisfy their needs, and maybe to fill their emotional vacuum, it is like making money out of women's misery.
** hmmm if you are turned on by hentai, it is not because it turns you on per se but it is because your imagination creates an atmosphere which allows you to turn the images into a stimulus of a sexual nature. It is all about instant momentous gratification. It can work today, tomorrow, for the next year and maybe for the next ten years but what is going to happen beyond that? xD I don't think that instant gratification is going to pave the way towards achieving happiness. I think that most people would want to love and be loved, and not just sexually, and not the kind of love where they do or receive gruesome acts like having their legs cut, but the kind of love where they are really being cared of and surrounded by warmth. xD
** Well about the tea, I was going to try to order it from China via AliExpress website, the trick is to find a trustworthy shop. If you have a China town in your area, you might wanna look there in shops which sell herbal products.
** Well it is okay, initially I am a shy person, that's why I told you not to tease me but if you're gonna do that, I am pretty sure that I can handle your replies. I've never met before someone who openly admits to fantasizing about Ero Guro, so it is a new experience for me; but the question is can you handle me because by all means I am not an easy person. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭(● ̄(エ) ̄●) (●'◡'●)ノ


Gore_Whore July 28, 2015 1:33 am
** OMG what a tyrant (● ̄(エ) ̄●) Let's see it is not a matter of liking or disliking yaoi especially that objectively speaking most mangakas try their best to remain competitive in terms of coming up wi... 《Lilas》--❦--❀

Holy fuck!! I wanted a simply yes or no and not a half novel Lilas-chan. xD I read the text and still don't you like it or not? xD
** Of course the hentai parts turns me on by looking at the pic..and not my imagination Lilas-chan. What you talking about? xD You sure know how to ruin someones sexually mood. hahaha Do you always write that much? Or better do you talk that much too? xD Btw i'm a totally sexual person..when i see i person i like, the first thing that comes to mind is, how can i seduce this person asap. :D Personality? I dont care, just please me in bed and we can be the best friends. xD And that goes for both genders. ;D
** Omg yeah don't trust Chinese shops. You will never know if you ever will see your order. o.o There's no chinatown in my area. xD Only an asian shop and i've never seen something like that. *cries* Btw Lilas-chan..i'm not from Jamaica. xD
** Oh aww how cute. I love shy people, they're easy to tease and i love their reactions. *.* I'm pretty sure you'll get used to my teasing very fast..or do you find me rude in any way? :O Pffft of course i can handle you..because i like you. :D I think you're just a bit to stiff about all the things....relax Lilas-chan, relax. :D

Aww cute Teddy. <3 But i want this one more. :D

《Lilas》--❦--❀ July 28, 2015 4:25 am
Holy fuck!! I wanted a simply yes or no and not a half novel Lilas-chan. xD I read the text and still don't you like it or not? xD** Of course the hentai parts turns me on by looking at the pic..and no... Gore_Whore

** Lol I told you that it is not about liking or disliking, hence the answer can't be a yes or no because I neither like it nor dislike it.
** Oh wow, it is only twice as much as you wrote but that's the limit I would use with people. Do I talk too much? Well I read fast, think fast and write fast and this was actually one of my shortest answers (● ̄(エ) ̄●)
** I've already figured out that you're a sexual person and a bisexual too and that you're not from Jamaica (⌒▽⌒) Well I am straight, I am romantic and idealistic and I would never think of a person in terms of sexuality.
Theoretically speaking, it is hard for two people with different tastes to communicate but I believe that you're fundamentally nice and kind (actually that's what triggered my interest in you, I wanted to know how you developed your infatuation for Ero Guro but that is going to be left for another time. I am sure you're tired from my lengthy replies and above all, my health relapsed yet again ╥﹏╥ )
** Oh but some of my acquaintances ordered many goods from China and I am still going to test the system put forward by Ali Express.
** Well I am not a shy person, not in everything, but again it went away after I got used to your way of thinking/ writing ... so it is already something in the past tense.
** You're not rude bu blunt but that's okay, I accept you the way you are. At least you didn't call me bad names after I dropped the "instant momentous gratification" sentence on you lol
** Oh I am relaxed, very relaxed but thank you for your advice. I'll try my best to unstiffen myself (=・ω・=)
** I've kind of anticipated that this would be the teddy bear you're going to pick from the Internet. I still prefer by far the one I've picked (=・ω・=)

Gore_Whore July 28, 2015 4:35 am
** Lol I told you that it is not about liking or disliking, hence the answer can't be a yes or no because I neither like it nor dislike it.** Oh wow, it is only twice as much as you wrote but that's the limit I... 《Lilas》--❦--❀

Lilas-chan, i'll reply to your message private, because this conversation looks kinda weird under this handsome pic of Masamune. xD
I hope thats okay for you. :D

《Lilas》--❦--❀ July 28, 2015 5:21 am
Lilas-chan, i'll reply to your message private, because this conversation looks kinda weird under this handsome pic of Masamune. xDI hope thats okay for you. :D Gore_Whore

Oh no problem. If you want to delete it go ahead. It's not a problem ^^

《Lilas》--❦--❀ July 24, 2015 8:04 am

This one is interesting; a yaoi guy too?

Gore_Whore July 24, 2015 8:06 am

Nope, thats Date Masamune from Sengoku Basara. :D

《Lilas》--❦--❀ July 24, 2015 8:16 am
Nope, thats Date Masamune from Sengoku Basara. :D Gore_Whore

Oh a video game ... how disappointing. I wanted it to be a manga lol but thank you for the fast reply (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Gore_Whore July 24, 2015 8:18 am
Oh a video game ... how disappointing. I wanted it to be a manga lol but thank you for the fast reply (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ 《Lilas》--❦--❀

It has a manga too. Look here. :D
And it also has 3 anime seasons and one movie. ヾ(☆▽☆)

《Lilas》--❦--❀ July 24, 2015 8:28 am
It has a manga too. Look here. :D it also has 3 anime seasons and one movie. ヾ(☆▽☆) Gore_Whore

Oh thank you again (⌒▽⌒) but this is not what I meant. When a character originates from video games and is later on invested in animes and mangas, I think that the quality of the drawing isn't at its peak. It is not the same as when it is drawn by the original concept designer, it is more like a counterfeited item ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ I am a very picky person; aren't I? ( ̄∇ ̄")
But thank you a lot. I kind of missed you (=・ω・=) Our taste doesn't match all the times (I don't like hentai at all, it makes me sick to my stomach) but I think that you are a very sweet person in spite of the fact that you say you aren't fluffy ... You're kind and fluffy in my eyes (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

Gore_Whore July 24, 2015 8:37 am
Oh thank you again (⌒▽⌒) but this is not what I meant. When a character originates from video games and is later on invested in animes and mangas, I think that the quality of the drawing isn't at its peak... 《Lilas》--❦--❀

Oh you think so? :O I think some characters from video games look really awesome in anime and manga. Damn you Lilas-chan you're very picky about all these thingys. xD But thats okay, thats why are you so loveable. <3
Aww i missed you too. >.< Yeah, but i think except of hentai (dont you like it even in Guro form? :O) our taste is kinda similar. :D
Aww so sweeeeet...thank you for this nice words Lilas-chan. :D You're a very awesome person too. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

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