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Fucking king so honest, the “i dont have any friends” sends me
04 06,2022 uploaded

reader1865's other album

  • 【 hot men saves the world 】

    「 constellation reader1865 says they love men 」
    »»————- ♡ ————-««
    ➳In other words watch me simp to the oblivion because thats what I do best. What attracts a woman like me to read something? Well first, present hot men, thats really the only way way to lure me in to reading something
    ➳ Btw may or may not contain content please beware, i am not seiso forgive me.
    ➳ I dare you to take a shot every time i say papi or

    138 photos
  • それを愛と呼ぶだけ

    「 reader1865 is crying 」
    ➳ scenes that i find very pretty
    ➳ the types of scenes that makes me go HNGHH
    ➳ heartwarming shit

    66 photos
  • Women i love

    4 photos