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8red July 18, 2021 2:11 pm

why do ppl rate it 4 stars below? ita very gopd? this is what pure love supposed to be
and the side characters are favorable too.. i like this. a story where there is no cliche maybe some but every chapter is progress. VERY BEAUTIFUL.

8red July 17, 2021 11:49 am

hello guys ive watched the anime long yime ago but now i want to read the manga as well, so idk if i should read this.? cause there r two sides some ppl say its not rly bad and half is very good so pls help me if o should read this at all?

and btw did they end up together in the end?

Yunasu January 30, 2021 10:42 am

Yuri Masterpiece <3

Zero December 5, 2020 2:32 am

Love..... itttttt

Jinn November 22, 2020 10:49 am


Seaweed September 5, 2020 10:05 am

I wanted to see more of Ushio's brother and his gf (now wife).

Saiko-chan July 21, 2020 4:23 pm

Uhhh i really love this manga. The plot, how the story goes and how it end, the art. So relatable, everytime i saw this in my already read, i throwback the story!

panther1 August 26, 2020 1:34 am

i liked the anime too , i really wished they would have done a 2nd season.

Anonymous January 28, 2020 5:10 pm

The ending feels like someones gonna pop out and start saying, "...and so kids this is how I met your mother."

Bri Belladonna January 30, 2019 6:33 pm


notyurinotinterested January 16, 2019 5:52 am

By the way, I reread this recently, and yeah it's still pretty great. Definitely my favorite yuri couple and I dare say my favorite yuri manga (I really need to reread Octave at some point to see whether I still like that one the most).

trinityanne June 14, 2020 10:16 am

i have read this numerous times due to this being one of the manga's that one of my daughters used to come out to me with and now our relationship is a 100x better than it was before and as a result i now have a NEW daughter in law who i would not trade for any GUY what so ever she makes my daughter happy every single day even when they fight she is still happy with who she is with which is more than any parent can hope for

panther1 August 26, 2020 1:32 am

yeah, but i wish they would have given the anime a 2nd season.

Sharni July 1, 2018 10:41 pm

So. that was way dragged out for a jumbled story line that someone didn't want to end, it gets so frustrating it pissed me off, the ending was just a bunch if people being told something and there wasn't any romance, the art was great. it could have had a better ending, it's as they are saying and after school you will never see each other again, too bad you took so long. Better luck next time, and happy seeing each other a couple times a year, these guys will be well over thirty before they even get anywhere, sad to read another ending like this

notyurinotinterested July 24, 2018 2:18 am

You're skating on thin ice here buddy boy.

Otacon September 1, 2018 11:22 pm

That is why this is labeled as shoujo ai only than yuri buddy. Innocent and pure love. This one of the first yuri / shoujo ai manga ive read and GIRLFRIENDS because of that I have been reading yuri / shoujo ai for 11 yrs now

Sharni September 2, 2018 4:07 pm
You're skating on thin ice here buddy boy. notyurinotinterested

I was really angry and upset, the ending did feel like i read the leaving school barely see each other again unto they are close to 30, if at all or can keep the feelings. it did feel it wanted to keep going, but i got into this one fairly intensely. like girl friends had a kind of same thing, we have to finish our studies then live together, if that is how it is done in japan. i know bittersweet. romance isnt what you think i was meaning. i read it to long ago i had to skim the ending and i just felt lost, at the time i read a heap of im leaving for X years after school or aboard. its not so much me bad mouthing it, like i said it i loved it and enjoyed everything, but idk if it was by artistic choice but the ending felt like a red line cut my heart. i got the same feeling after watching Magic Madoka Magi, as the anime blew me away just because it had so much more emotion than the manga. i then read everything on it, and the movie rebellion healed me. i read it first then realised it was an anime and it was a little different, like mirra nikki the Ova did. like they were some distance forced between them, i just feel that she had a bit house and all im sure they could have figured something out. also the ending just stops me wanting to re read it. It was just that i was waiting for more at the end like it was just words. like one girl waited like ten years before they got to see each other again. but when i read these i know that after high school you loose your friends, but romantic interests ive seen my friend move into his girlfriends house, as his family planned a massive move south. ive seen ones that they get a small tamaki matt.

what i wrote was pure emotion after reading it, the feelings of loading a gun slowly to just go bang at the end thats it. we may see each other. but most school loves hardly last , read yuri that shows that in all forms and emotions. but i never said anything like i hated this or that. this is one that sticks me. i just kind of needed to get it out or i wouldnt sleep.

Otacon September 9, 2018 10:16 am
I was really angry and upset, the ending did feel like i read the leaving school barely see each other again unto they are close to 30, if at all or can keep the feelings. it did feel it wanted to keep going, b... Sharni

Well how can you say that after they graduate in high school they wont meet again? For me this story focuses on characters development and overcoming challenges that really happened in real life. That is why i like this kind of manga. Realistic not some kind of fairy tale,

Actually the ending shows that both of their family supported them so its was actually a happy ending somehow. Since this is a japanese manga and the setting is school life or slice of life of course japanese culture will be incorporated in the story and what is really like there. Thats the reason why they make this kind of manga to tackle social issues as well that really is happening in their country.

Sharni September 9, 2018 12:39 pm

Did i note that this is one of my favorite reads

TheBlackHummingbird April 9, 2020 11:01 pm

there's so little romance i shoujo ai overall, and even in yuri... i'm not really talking about sexual stuff, as, i'm shore, neither do you, even though obviously some people in replays misunderstood it in that way. it's just, there's no deeper feelings, not enough intensity, all is somehow surface-level and way too easy going, so it doesn't seem like romance, more like a story about friendship and family. or it's simply cute girls doing cute things together. or hot girls doing hot things together. i mean, hotness and cuteness and friendship and union are all elements of a good romance story, but if some blood, some realness of desire for another is missing from work, that just ain't it.

even the stories like What does the fox say or Lilith feel distant and unreal and cold, even though they do describe "realistic" relationships, as they should be. honestly, i blame it on the fact that romance is dominated by female creators, because it's normal for females to consume way more romance so they will naturally also be better in creating it, which leaves yuri and shoujo ai to small number or japanese lesbian creators that feel free to write as such, and straight males who will always mostly look at characters more as hot or cute then in love, and, again, have less expirience with romantic content...