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Tai's manga / #manga(97)

Mangaka to Yakuza

Ongoing | koda | 2019 released
2020-08-26 02:50 marked

ok the setup is hella problematic but this guy is really hot ngl. and his catching feelings for her almost immediately is also very cute. anyway irl this kind of thing would be the stuff of nightmares but leave it to mangaland to turn it into a sex fantasy and a wholesome romance at the same time. is this what the female artists are doing cause apparently japanese men are too mild, passive and shy? i mean thats what i HEAR but....i mean it would explain alot about the usual male lead in those smutty josei comics.....(anyway unlike those guys who look bland af, THIS one is full Daddy and im into it). anyway i cant BELIEVE it took 13 chpt for him to realize she likes and wants foreplay but then again some men never figure it out so perhaps i should just be grateful lol. (and then this bitch doesnt confess her actual feelings until the FINAL chpt i was like ripping my hair out omg). sis get ur shit 2gether. it was a sweet ending but her bizarre internal justifications for why she cant tell him she loves him and why him saying to her MULTIPLE times is him being insincere is sorry but the writing was not convincing there. it was smth that didnt need to be dragged out and the writer could've definitely found more organic ways to inject relationship angst. also the female lead's "but he could never like MEEE" despite his every single action indicating that he DOES find her both attractive and adorable is was Alot ok. (and then there was that hella rapey beginning i mean tbf she Techinically consents but under duress so...). ultimately i liked this more than not. so ill give it a four since annoyed or not i was never bored which is rly all i ask from my comics. bad or good is fine but dont be boring ffs.

Over-cumming writer’s block

Ongoing | Nae*awaji | 2019 released

A Gangster in Drag -Filled with the Boss's Desires-

Complete | Seri ibuki uni | 2019 released
2020-09-06 05:32 marked

like most manga of this genre. this was incredibly silly and not nearly as smutty as i'd prefer BUT it was fairly light and fun. i liked it alright. it wasnt more offensive to read than alot of other TL mangas out there. its Fine basically what more can i say~

Akage no Nyanko to Mori no Banken

Complete | Haru (晴) | 2019 released
2021-01-09 06:10 marked

the japanese furries are at it again yall (and the amount of stupid puns omg. i bet the original japanese is full of way mroe than the localization team even bothered to try to translate tho i dont blame them.) anyway even tho its SUPER silly. it is also Problematic. lots of dubcon. so u aware of that. its hard to be too mad about it when the reasoning is SO absurd and the setting so fantastical and unlike our world. but some people have hard lines about that either way. anyway, as far as TL mangas go its not so bad so far and i appreciate it doesnt take itself seriously at all. and if u like urself some gap moe in ur dude leads well he's got two modes. sweet obediant and very helpful husband material and then wild red eyed beast who fucks and fucks hard lol. seems to be a common kink in these kinds of mangas....

My Matchmaking Partner Is My Student and a Troublemaker

Complete | Torai sigma | 2019 released
2021-02-02 19:04 marked

if you can overlook the part where he's her student and thus not even 20 years old yet....then this is actually a cute little romance with decent sex scenes...but thats a big If isnt it lol. that said i'd rather roll my eyes at the impossibly smooth and devoted and good at giving orgasms literal TEEN BOY male lead in this than i do at having to handwave myself thru a female lead going "NUUU PLS DONT~~" for the 100th time during a sex scene and then going "but how does he FEEL about me?" bitch rly? anyway there's none of that here so its a different kind of problematic. i do love me some variety in my questionable smut mangas. also japan has a rly weird fascination with teacherxstudent that i will just never understand...(also WHAT is with all the public fucking in these TL mangas? yall dont have houses? there's nothing sexy about getting fingered in a smelly broom closet with the ambient sounds of school children in the background)

Kimi to Oishii ai no Kotoba

Complete | Toujou Sakana | 2018 released

HIGHLY recommend this. its a short read u can finish in one sitting but it didnt feel like frustratingly short. its a very simple conflict thats solved relatively easily and at that midpoint and the rest is just cute fluff and fluff and insanely hot sex scenes. like if u like lots of affection and romance in ur sex scenes my goodness u will be pleased. i like how it was both incredibly filthy yet still so sweet? gah. and Shiro (lmao at the dark skin boy being named "white") is goooorgeous and i love how brown he is. totally my type from looks to personality. altho Makoto is very soft he doesnt feel like a bland "uke" archtype character but more like a shy awkward kid and thats in part because he feels uncomfortable with expressing his sexuality. (when he said he worried he wouldnt be able to find love and have sex cause of his being gay i was like "MY POOR SWEET BABYYY" like i totally know how he feels damn). In conclusion Sakana Tojo (i hope thats not her real name otherwise the amount of fish puns she'd have to hear...) ends her beautiful manga by calling herself a Sappy Sloppy Slow Moving Safe Romance Fetishist and thats really all you need to know!

Megumi and Tsugumi

Ongoing | Si Mitsuru | 2018 released
2024-03-09 08:02 marked

um wow i LOVE this? its def the most fun omegaverse i've read. and tbh it rly feels like a story about two ridiculous teen boys falling in love that just happens to be set in omegaverse. its so funny and sweet and super sexy and dare i say? roomaaaantic. tsugumi joins the super short list of omegas and or "ukes" who are NOT to be fucked with. he's a force of furious nature that is more than a match for the fairly strong himself Megumi. but..he's also a total blockhead lol. i love him so much. and megumi is a true gentleman even in the face of a wild dog in human form like tsugumi. aall he wants is to shower his boyfriend with love but his boyfriend is a madman and a fool so...its hard. anyway i highly rec this one folks.

Sex Drop

Complete | Shikke | 2000 released
2020-10-03 16:14 marked

i'll make this short and lead with: I liked this and you should all read it. but it did have some Problematic elements tho imo they are mild and in line with the light bdsm themes in it. the male lead is another sort of oddball with a slightly sinister side like the one in You're My Favorite Toy. however this one doesnt rly have sociopathic tendencies and seems more of an introverted loner type (largely by choice). and the other half of the couple, the "slutty" blonde isnt rly anything like his also blonde counterpart in that story. i read these two very close to each other and saw some mild similarities esp in the couples looks. anyway, i didnt like this one as much as Toy but i did like it alot and altho it doesnt start out too romantic it does achieve a quiet sweetness by the end. its def a believable love story imo. and its the kind of oddball love and smut story that one can rly only find in japanese bl comics (vs korean bl webtoons which have some great entries dont get me wrong! but no one does Weird as successfully and frequently as Japan does. just facts). this manga can be purchased on Renta English and i highly recommend u purchase at least one chpt if u like it (or leave a review recommending it on their site).

An Average Girl Like You Won't Get Me Hard

Complete | Oniku hanamura | 2019 released
2020-10-13 21:09 marked

it's....fine? like dude isnt great but he's not a total jerk either? he's snippy and obnoxious one second and then doting and passionate the next. driving the poor female lead bananas. but im still reading it so what do i know? anyway the FL is stuck with alot of the usual tropes that make up the typical ladies of these types of TL stories, BUT she does have an actual personality most of the time so thats refreshing lol. and he's def not always the one in control in the relationship even if he's the one in control during their sex acts altho props to him for not penetrating her before she's good and ready or before they decided to confess feelings? i mean by the standards of Smut thats practically prince like behavior~ tho it is weird that EVERY single sex act they engage in seems to be in his dressing room?? honestly its saving grace is that its so short. the art is rly nothing special tho i suspect its cut up tatekomi format didnt do it any favors. even prettier manga are ruined by that treatment (they were drawn in full pages of panels for a REASON!!). tbh i should give it 1 star but i didnt hate it enough to justify it. this was beyond mediocre. neither very offensive nor particularly sexy or memorable. basically dont bother unless u RLY have nothing else to read lol.

You're the One I Want to Tease -A Cold Childhood Friend's Warm Fingers-

Ongoing | Roca kato | 2000 released
2020-10-14 21:11 marked

short, sweet, consensual lol. thats always refreshing? im not a total hater of dubcon but the way it plays out in TL is always so banal and leaves a sour taste in my mouth or worst of BORING. the worst thing erotica can be is boring imo. anyway this wasnt super memorable or great but it was enjoyable enough and the guy was a more classic tsundere type. ie not a raging dbag or cold but rather taciturn, reserved, quiet and not esp effusive with his affections however he is also clearly in love with the girl and doesnt constantly demean her or play hot n cold with her. he's pretty straightforward and a good boyfriend. there is a bit of an age gap (a small one). but as its a factor that he kinda played an older brother role to her for most of her life i figure its worth mentioning? anyway this does have sex scenes! but its overall pretty wholesome i'd say. (tho the guy is the typical baby faced super thin TL manga type of youth and that doesnt rly do it for me if i'm honest lol)