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ritsu-sama's manga / #sunny x gloomy(4)

Romanticer's High

Complete | shimojou mituki | 2014 released

kaito had everything going for him until he got a new coworker, Azuma. Azuma does not speak nor is he overly friendly but the girls Kaito likes fall for Azuma and the work he want goes to Azuma. After going for a drink with Azuma, Kaito noted that he is a really nice guy and they become friends. One night after drinking and getting wet from the rain they went back to the office to dry off, a blackout occurred. Kaito who is afraid of lighting clung to Azuma and Kaito kissed him, shocked Azuma went home. Azuma started ignoring Kaito after that. cp 4) Michiru picked up the wallet of a man and he called him an asshole that lead michiru to punch him. A week after that the man found him and kept bothering him at his part time jobs bringing him stuff since he fell for him. (the one of the rich man that buys a lot of strange things to his lover) 5) Childhood friends. Kaoru have been listening to midnight radio for years and his sense of humor is different so he does not fit in at school. His only friend is Noaki who also listens to it. One day Noaiki found AV in Kaorus room and they watched it. Noaki touched him and from then on he started ignoring Noaki.

Koiyume Lover

Complete | conro | 2014 released

a fairy appears to the uke and says it will giive him a lover. Uke have freckles, is a bit gloomy and unsociable, has never fallen in love or been confessed to. A cheerful guy confesses to him and he doesn't believe it, saying he is under a spell. Fairy says they have to snog to break the spell, so they do, but seme is still in love. so they snog some more and get together. They have bathrom first time of the uke sex. Then house date because the uke worried about his clothes. Then seme has a lot of work, avoid the uke, get jealous, uke goes talk to him and starts to make bentous, but seme got a eating disorder that everything tastes bitter because of strees. then there is an almost rape scene, when the seme is quite forceful and rough, he even thinks " i bet this is what rape feels like" but uke shows acceptence and helps seme get back to himself after that and seme apologizes . They resolve, all goes right and they move in together

Koi to wa Baka de Aru Koto da

Complete | OGERETSU Tanaka | 2014 released

ch. 1-2: age gap by 12 years and the problem that arose from the wide age gap. straight seme x gay uke. lot of conflicting things. work hard you two. the #30+ yo virgin uke, younger seme. cafe owner x college student. / ch. 3-4: BAKA COUPLE!!! so very amusing and entertaining childhood friends to lovers story. arrogant tsundere-ish bully seme x gloomy uke. #awkward first time. ./ ch. 5-5.5: uber cute story of two highschoolers trying to make their relationship work. a guy that hates liars and his lover that might be actually hiding something about himself. #pretty uke x handsome seme. by somebody