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mmem's manga / #c46-(7)

Speak Of The Devil

Ongoing | Tr,Tteokbap | 2019 released

c41 refuses to date him (wakes up); c42 unable to get hired; c43 chorused into agreeing to sleep w him 10 times then go separate ways; c44 smex;

Final Stop

Complete | 영찬 | 2019 released

c12 heat; c19 side cp?/she’s his cousin; c22-23 flashback to their encounter as kids; c25 learns what really happened to ML’s parents & that his dad was involved; c28 heat starts; c34 pregnant; c40-41 dreams of dead grandpa and strange puppy/ puppy his baby?; c42 lost baby; c43 depression/worried about him; c44 don’t act like you care about me; c45 wants to leave; c50 gives him a second chance; s11 pregnant again; s12 pregnant again again

Fake Romance

Ongoing | 탄금 | 2019 released

c17 flashback to funeral; c24 traumatized during thunderstorms; c26 helping out; c27 smex c20-21 ML knew all along/get together for real; c32 learns the truth; c34 let’s break up; c37 be together forever

Baby Tyrant

Ongoing | Lee Huin,Awon | 2023 released

c42 dad gets seriously hurt protecting her, she uses healing magic on him then collapses; c45 wakes up, finally calls him dad; c46 gets bro to stop angsting about not being able to protect her;

Finding My Father's Son

Ongoing | | 2019 released

c3 meets her bio dad (whose rotten away due to poison)/tricked into picking up sword; c4 if she wasn’t his daughter picking up the sword would’ve killed her; c5 bio dad’s funeral; c9 Rossan; c10 turns out uncle didn’t actually think she was E’s daughter until she picked up the sword; c12 sword shrinks, go shopping for sheath while sword reminisces about ex master; c16 it’s ok to call her step dad dad; c18 Magnus; c20 timeline duke chad kids/how duke & princess hooked up; c21-22 trying to make sword feel better; c23 Sandy/may be her bro since he came from a sperm bank (???); c25 Sandy’s mom has no idea who Sandy’s dad is lol; c37 bonds w Sandy; c40 goals for the future; c43 learn more about Sandy’s gollum research/sword throws a tantrum bc MC is using a wooden sword instead of him lol;

Sugar Rain

Ongoing | Jang-Ryang,Tanyoon,RATA | 2000 released

c45 kiss; Raw: c47 finally communicate?; c48 smex;