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pluviophiliac's manga / #gotta love them moral dilemmas(1076)

I Want to Be You, Just For A Day Webtoon

Ongoing | 삼 | 2019 released

this is amazing! i just wish the translations were of better quality, but it is what it is. i could just wait for the chapters to be released on webtoon, but i’m not exactly known for my patience, lol. perhaps i’ll do that, anyway! great quality content for free. ;)

Chitra Webtoon

Ongoing | Leppe | 2000 released

i’m really loving this! one of my favorites at the moment. and i truly admire the author(s?) behind this. it’s so creative, entertaining and well-written. i’m already up-to-speed with the most recent chapter, and i can wait to see how it’ll end! you go, chitra!!!

Black Dragon's Lover

Ongoing | July archive,Kidari studio | 2000 released

bro, i’m completely ENTHRALLED by this!!! man, that was one great manhwa. loved all three storylines! and each respective ‘black dragon romance’, so to speak. all three ’duos’ had intrinsically different dynamics and a unique atmosphere—each and every one of them very befitting each couple, too. honestly, this one’s been a lot more enjoyable than i originally thought it’d be back when i first started out. surprisingly enough, i’ve actually grown quite attached to most of these guys. this one really got me in my feels at times, too. i have no doubt that i’ll be rereading this one day! honestly, i wouldn’t mind a couple of epilogue chapters to finish things off (‘cause i’m greedy like that), but it’s definitely not necessary for the story to feel complete. i loved the ending, and we absolutely got our closure! (can’t see how or why anyone would ever disagree with that, but you never know, man...) anyway!!! i guess i’m just feeling a bit reluctant to let it go, lol. either way, i’ll be on the outlook for any other possible future stories by these creators! overall, i’m happy and content with what i got. <33


Complete | seontae | 2000 released

ridiculously hot. fucking HELL, man... god. in any case, i absolutely LOVED being able to witness them slowly build up their trust in each other, as well as seeing their relationship steadily grow into something healthy and genuine. (well, i’m comparison to their beginning, at least. they went from semi-toxic mess to a strangely-nice mess. haha) but shieeet, i’m so happyyyy!!! just look at how far they've come! and that breath control aspect, too?! ughhh, that chapter nearly killed me. my babieeees, i love them. this has been such a joy to read. <33 or perhaps ‘thrill’ would be a much more fitting term, knowing the ‘theme’ and overall atmosphere of this manhwa… hah, i don’t even know. great storytelling nonetheless! P.S. i would’ve loved to write a more ‘worthy’ final review for this story than this lacking piece of… literary trash (???), but oh well. my mind’s blanking again, and i’m kinda struggling to conjure up something… coherent. something that’d properly sum up this whole reading experience. i’ll definitely reread it someday, though—mark my words!!! whichever way you look at it, this is a beautifully complex story with perfectly flawed, realistic characters. (with their hot, engaging BDSM sex-life being the cherry on top, heh.) definitely a favorite, no doubt! P.P.S. can’t wait for the epilogue chapter, ahhhh!!! i’m not quite ready to say goodbye to these folks just yet, goddammit.

White Blood

Ongoing | Lina Im , Jeonghyeon Kim | 2019 released

my god, this one’s epic. and there’s only one epilogue chapter left… fml, imma cry. ;-; anyway, this is DEFINITELY worth checking out, you guys. i guarantee you won’t be disappointed. even calling it epic could be considered an understatement… bruh. although y’all should do so on webtoon where it’s available for free. let’s support this incredible creator!!!

One Take

Complete | 김쿠키, 애플파이,찰밥 | 2000 released

haha, this one was wild! i absolutely loved it. since it’s been a couple of months since i completed this manhwa, i’m a bit foggy on the details. however, i do recall having this sense of appreciation for the ending as it approached—simply because hyun-je’s ‘core’ didn’t do a 180 degree turnaround like MLs like him often do, but instead we got to watch him mature and gain insight about himself (and understand the consequences of his actions) as the story progresses. i really liked that part! made the story somewhat more realistic. one can’t expect people to change, because they won’t. and, in all honesty, they CAN’T. we are who we are, and he is who he is! we just gotta learn how to tolerate, appreciate and love people for who they really are—flaws and all. but still, i believe he learned how to be (somewhat) considerate towards seung-min and a bit more respectful of his boundaries as well. at least to some degree, i think… if my memory serves me correctly, that is. (lol.) as complex as his character was, i still thought it made sense overall and that they both got a decent ending—a ‘work in progress’ ending, i guess? or maybe an ‘open ending’ would be the preferable term. whatever. i actually kinda liked seung-min as well, though! i found his character surprisingly relatable, honestly. loved watching these guys grow closer together—and apart, i guess… (whenever the occasion might’ve called for it.) and even though they had… ‘some’ toxic moments, i still liked that they managed to reach some sort of middle-ground eventually. sheesh... at least they both seemed to be happy by the end of the day!!! as a reader, that’s all that really matters, anyway. just because i wouldn’t necessarily want to be in a relationship like theirs personally, it doesn’t mean everyone else feel the same. it doesn’t mean someone else can’t be happy ‘their’ way. it’s not MY life, after all. heh. #YOLO but anyway!!! it’s a shame i can’t really recall as much of this manhwa as i would’ve liked. ughhh. guess you can’t have everything. and even though the story’s technically marked ‘complete’, i’m still hoping for a couple more bonus chapters to wrap things up at some point!!! that’d be great. loved those vacay chaps. ^^

Park Hanhoo's Manager

Complete | KIM TAC | 2000 released

i’m completely OBSESSED with this. it’s dark and awkward and wholesome and i just love it. so different from everything else i’ve read! i don’t doubt i’ll be rereading this someday in the future.