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KatTheKat's manga / #Friends to Lovers(5)

Brother Auto Spot

Complete | NOICHI Mikuro | 2013 released
2021-07-31 14:57 marked

Chii-chan and Eno-kun

Complete | Ogeretsu Tanaka | 2000 released
2022-02-20 06:09 marked

Enoooo I was rooting for you!! I still am but I can't believe people r like this!! Don't fall for it! AND HE LET IT OUT INSIDE! RUDE SEME!

Netsuai Nante Ariemasen!

Complete | SUZAKA Shina | 2018 released

I love when there's a potential love rival hehe tho it was short lived-

Itsuka no Koi to Natsunohate

Complete | SHINOZAKI Mai | 2017 released