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SandyTree's manga / #tsundere(3)

Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko!

Complete | Yanagida Fumita | 2000 released 128 tomo and gouma used to date for 3d 261 Jun used to be a gamer 339 Crossdressing 396 a huge back to catch up to → flashback 455 The beach 494 Fireworks invitation 552 Misaki joins the Aizawa dojo 586 Carol kisses Jun's cheek 593 Jun flees to Tomo's place 659 Piggyback ride because i have a cold 665 gameboy returned 668 flashback: first win against tomo, and middle school entrance 721 Becoming aware 756 Juns birthday 774 hug 827 Jun confesses kinda

Love Shuttle

Complete | Im Ae-Ju | 2000 released

RAWs: Russian: Rough translations: Akitachan September 12, 2019 5:08 am Can we take a minute to appreciate how many yaoi cliches this story is breaking? Spoiler-ish? 1. Manly uke (I know these exist in other yaoi, but they are very few and far between.) 2. A uke that actually has a dick. Not two peas and a baby carrot, no, A DICK. 3. A RIDICULOUSLY sweet, not just alpha, but seme who puts his uke's well-being first and isn't just aiming to get laid. 4. A seme that doesn't have resting bitch-face during sex. 5. It's not love at first sight, or in yaoi's case, love at first bang. They are actually getting to know one another and their relationship is moving at a healthy pace... all while banging. (=・ω・=) 6. Not every single male in the story is trying to bang the uke. Seriously, waaaay too many yaois have multiple guys going after the uke, like, does he have a magic booty-hole or something, sheesh. Still ain't sure about that new alpha, but from what I've seen, Doyun is repulsed by alpha pheromones besides Taehan's. I know for sure the new alpha is gunna do something, but I highly doubt Doyun is easy. If he will punch Taehan in the face for cuddling him, he will kick some ass if someone thinks he is going to open his legs for them just because he's an omega. 7. In omegaverse's case, it's an omegaverse that doesn't discriminate against omegas and treat them like the dirt under their feet. They treat them like PEOPLE, it's quite refreshing. 8. And last, and probably the most important, it's CONSENSUAL. It's true that Doyun was under the influence of his heat for the first three times, but not once did he point fingers at Taehan as if he took advantage of him. He just blamed Taehan's pheromones for him going into heat because our boy doesn't understand his own feeling. He's stubborn, that's for sure. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Taehan was very respectful when Doyun had his first heat and wasn't going to do anything until Doyun made his move. Most yaois, when the uke is turned on, has the seme "help" them, when they are clearly saying "no." And then the "no means yes" crap takes place, blah blah blah. Alright, that's it. Sorry for the rant. I know I have more, but this is all I can think of right for now.

Netkama Punch!!!

Ongoing | kima nim,whale , golae | 2019 released HJ finds sees the msg that MC left the clan, he's no longer on his Friend List, so he sends some texts to try and figure out what's happening but doesn't get a response. The he received mail in game which was all the items he gave MC EXCEPT the staff and then he sees a text with the deposit of a lot of money and he clues in pretty fast that the staff was sold off. He finds out from one of the clans mates or a stream that Yoona has the staff now. He immediately put in a request to GMs to stop the deletion of MCs account by reporting it for being hacked. So he approaches Yoona with the sole purpose of getting as much info as possible. He finds out from her that MC was actually a guy because MC told her about leaving the game and being a guy, plus for auctions you have to prove your identity to dissuade any fraud so she had a pic of MCs ID. Yoona goes on and on about how disgusting Nekama's are and she can help him get revenge and find info if he needs it. ML reaches back out to her after thinking about it and she tells him her brother knows some ppl in the civil servants office with the same name so she gives him both places. HJ calls the first one in Seoul and a moman answers, so he calls the other location that's an hour or two away and a man answers. He panics and hands up the phone. He then decides to drive there. He sits at a coffee shop outside the location with a hat and mask on as a disguise and keeps look at the photo of the ID where the MC looks pretty lifeless and depressed. HJ sees a rush of office workers come in and he looks up and sees MC at the counter ordering a drink and laughing with a female coworker and he thinks he looks like he's in a lot better shape emotionally than he does in his ID photo and feels bothered by it because he was hoping MC would be moping around looking regretful. He does this a couple times then follows MC home in his car. He gets mad when he sees the condition of MCs apartment because what was the point of being a netkama and selling the expensive gifts to live in a poor shit hole in the wall covered in mold with no heating. IS ML DEDICATED TO MC? ML was planning to play with MC like he was played with and disappear on MC like MC did on him once MC got attached to him because he knows what a Loney person MC is and how it'll probably be easy for MC to depend on him. ML starts to fall pretty fast but doesn't realize his own actions, but he does realize it pretty early on. One one point when MC took off in his slippers into the cold and left his phone behind, ML chased him in his car. ML finds MC, MC kicks his far which is the first thing he bought for himself with his money and treasured it. But it dawned on him that it wasn't as important as he thought it was compared to making sure MC was okay and that he realized that MC did hate him but ML was Infact already in love with MC and vowed he was gonna work non stop to get MC to love him back. In frustration he yells at the sky and then forces MC back into the car to go home.