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。WintersAreCold。's manga / #psychological(35)

Save Me

Complete | 1230 | 2016 released

The stickman just broke me down and this made me cry so much

Obey Me

Complete | Milknono,Rusena | 2000 released

Perfect Victim

Ongoing | 尼三岁,六伦 | 2019 released

I feel bad for the childrens in his childhood that are in that house that just wanted someone to take good care of them....and wanted to escape,... but the horror manga was just amazing made and had me hooked with the plot.

About Good Boys

Complete | Port | 2016 released

Rabbit Hole

Complete | Hayangji,Youngmo | 2000 released

Her life seems pretty fucked up but looks really interesting.

Killing Stalking

Complete | koogi | 2016 released

It’s all Sangwoo’s mother is the one at fault for all of this. smh

Shen Ze

Complete | KRE,Djade | 2000 released

This was just an absolutely amazing horror manga especially with all the mysteries that was going on, and it gave me shivers but i was hooked....