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goliath's manga / #❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤(6)

Fall in Love or Die

Ongoing | 허니비 (honeyb) | 2022 released

At first, I thought this manhwa was kind of shallow, with the classic, “evil noble who preys on the main character at balls/parties” trope, and a “superficial sibling who has no character depth” (who’s simply a tool to garner sympathy for the mc) trope also. But no!! holy moly this actually got me, like i fully believed the story was going to play out in a cliche manner like many other victorian esque manhwas of this type. and it surprised me with it too :) —spoilers from here on out!— For example I had suspicions about which character would backstab the mc, but i genuinely didn’t know who it’d be out of the characters i suspected, it actually served a great twist. plus bar one or two panels where her sister gives her a sort of shady look i wouldn’t have suspected her, or anything she does throughout the story going forward 4 that matter. And there’s so much interconnected snake activity going on between most of the characters that isn’t apparent or even obvious throughout the story too, everything is kind of up in arms till you find out for sure in some way or another, in terms of character motivations and their complex relationships anyway lol Anyway i’m not saying this is the best piece of media on this website, but it stands out from a lot of the story’s of this type i’ve read, which is why i’m even here writing this atm, i was really enjoying seeing where everyone would go with their trickery and their schemes, like there’s so much double crossing going on it’s great. Safe to say bar the (sometimes rlly abrupt i will acquiesce) sex scenes, this is super good ️ Ok enough yap, GO READ SOMETHING & HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT