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HARDCORE4ANIME's manga / #b4 he used to like uke in high skl but didnt realize(1)


Ongoing | aseom | 2000 released

main chara is seme who doesnt have 'feelings' in a way bcz her sis sed there r more bad ppl den gd ppl. he up untill now helped n was gd guy. he deals wiv bad ppl but knows is useless. anwyay one day he meets excidently overheard someone. it was a guy from high skl who used to be in his class, they werent close,just used to greet and those type of chats. he stayed over uke house since uke invited seme n thngs hpnd. later they got close,seme was interested in someone for the first time n is uke. it took time for them to be together n one day seme confesses but uke gave a 'no' type ans...he was cold to seme. later he regretted t but ofc seme didnt give up.atho seme didnt call or text he later came by the shop. he told seme he was busy wiv his new job as he retired from his old one. anyway uke accepted seme. they got together n were happy. untill uke ex decides to contract uke again but seme deals wiv it but ex doesnt stop. he made threat to out tell seme being gay to the office (seme doesnt kno dat ex told uke which is why stuff hpnd like misunderstanding etc) uke n seme had a fight bout trust but later uke told the truth n den seme sed smtng which uke den sed ;u r like the others; n thing hpnd. uke didnt ans seme msg+calls n even quitted his work,no bcz of seme though. they met n dats wen uke told him. later seme's friend, whcih is um...seme's older sis is married to a guy, and that guy's younger bro is seme's friend. dat guy is gay. anwyay he went for arrand to buy drinks n uke n him became friends n talked behind seme bk n den he learned stuff. (oh yh uk met him once b4 which is also a lil reasonw why he once rejected seme+seme's friend used to have a crush on him.but uke now knows seme's friend had a bf in overseas) later seme saw them n took uke bk,,they talked n things went gd. ofc they dealt wiv hardship etc,uke's ex etc.