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HARDCORE4ANIME's manga / #delinquent(9)

Shiawase Cook

Complete | Chitose Piyoko | 2003 released

1st story bout a rich student who got off from the car n delinquents tried to steal money from him. A chef came n saved him since then he started thinking bout him so he went to him n use learning cooking as an excuse to see him.When he told him dat he wasnt angry,yay! Then they fucked. LAST CH. they didnt have time together so seme prepared food n dessert 4 him in the restaurant. After eating uke got naked, seme eyes were closed cz uke said to do so; n den they fucked/ 2nd story-ppl were picking on him so he was bout to fight them but den this guy came n interrupted them. Since then seme sstarted to find his weakness n evetually he fall in love. One day uke was jealous cz he was wiv his frnds n den he said lets fight so he seme n he had to fight but den seme dropped it n hugged him saying even if the whole blah. They fucked n yh 3rd story-teacher n student fall in love at first sight. In order to get the student (uke) to come the teacher (seme) said he'll pay. Anyway things happened n when he was going home he saw the student. Student was gonna unno pay his body or smtng. They went to teachers' house n fucked. When student was bout to live teacher said stay, i'll keep u here forever n such things so he didnt let him out. They fucked n yh. When he woke up he didnt saw uke so he run downstairs n he saw him giving food.He hugged him of relieve, then he told him he was scared dat he would leave n yada yada. Uke said he liked him from the first moment n tried to have his attention so clearly there is no way he would want to leave senpai's side. 4th story- he liked his childhood frnd 4 a long time. In the end they both liked each other. It all started when his frnd found out bout the vibrator so he said imma use it cz the main character (seme) said he needed 4 research as a lie.They tried it out n seme was jealous n unhappy so he said to stop n cz the computer lessons r over there is no need 4 him to come. Seme acted sick, uke got pissed n came, uke said if he hated cz f the things he did,seme said no cz he wanted to do him not the items. THey both confessed n fucked 5th story-new stundent got raped. He had no choice later on cz he wanted to lead a normal n good skl life so he flwed what seme had to say. Since den they had sex a lot. One day seme said to come n live wiv him cz he wont be able to come skl since he'll go to uni.Uke was like hell nah,seme was like you need me,later uke relaized what his words meant (it ddint take long) n den yh

False Memories (Lee Gpiee)

Complete | Lee Gpiee | 2000 released

Wan has a scar underneath his eye n everyone think his a delinquent so he had no friends.Ha woon jumped on Wan n dat was their first meeting,at class Ha woon talked to him n they became frnds.He went to this place affter skl cz Ha woon told him to,end it turns out they were real delinquents n Ha woon ordered him to punch dis guy who betrayed Ha woon cz that boy worked for his hyung.Ha woon never treated him as friends,n one day Ha woon had to stay over Wan house cz Ha woon saw his hyung n others waiting 4 him.But den he left at midnight cz of Wan n how he said Ha woon is kind.Ha woon was pissed n called his close friend not rly just a helper n asked for his info,next day everyone boys started bullying Wan cz Ha woon told them bout his past,how he is wear a loser n how he got bullied,loner n never had friends,n how he came here n such.Wan tried to talk wiv himm n someone from behind hit Ha woon n he lost his memo,got amnesia. Since den they were close n ended up as couples.Oh yh meanwhile they were frnd (when Ha woon lost his memo) the other students didnt know n found his new behavior weird,n one of em found out so the guy who gave the info bout Wan,the 'close frnd'. Anywy Wan got to incidents cz of Ha Woon's hyung.Ha woon got electrecuted n regained his memo.They didnt talk,obv Wan friend was there for him.Oh yh Wan friend,was his only high skl frnd,before he left he wanted wan to make frnds n he kept his promise.Ha woon meet Wan's his best friend when Ha woon lost his memo.Anyway Wan went to toilet cz he couldnt stand the distance n how it hurted,when he got out from the toilet Ha woon locked him back inside.N they talked den obv kissed,Ha woon was scared that Wan gets involved in dangerous thigns n all dat,den they got together n obv infront of weveryone they went back to how they act so Ha woon smiling n hanging out wiv him.Ha woon went to Wan house n at night they talked bout hyung.Ha woon went to meet his hyung at his dads office where Wan recorded from behind,but got caught cz Hyung tied Ha woon wiv handicuffs,so yh.Ha woon thogght he lost Wan forever cz he fall from high place czof hyng,anwyya yh they went to hospital n obv they kissed.Hyung's secretary came n took them to his dads secret place,where there is camra n deleetd the proof.She handed the recording to Ha woon cz he didnt want to see him like di anymore n asked for her silence that she kept over the yrs.So baisically not helping properly,tho she wanted to (i think she did a bit but not much cz of hyung) Den obv the father seized hyng n took his name out of fam registration. It ends wiv,Ha woon taking care of Wan cz his injured n how Ha woon wins the caring award or smtng.Wan infront of Ha woon house asked if he could kiss den Ha woon was like permission is not needed,they kissed n Wan obv bout to go but den kissed him again since permission not needed.Ha woon kissed him back n said to stay n Wan was like ok.

Back to School

Complete | Oryu | 2019 released

Chiwoo had to come back to skl to get diploma cz he couldnt do it cz of his best friend Jihyun. Shit hpnd between them where Jihyun to attack him n is obsessed wiv him (we found out later in the story) kyunjin talks to chiwoo cz chiwoo didnt try making frnds also cz ever1 is scared. Anyway kyunjin always included chiwoo,n Jihyun found him n gave him a hard time.chinwoo doesnt feel comf wiv Jihyun anymore since he tried to rape him back in hight skl. they broke ties but Jihyun found him when chinwoo entered collie. at the time Chiwoo met Kyunjin.Kyunjin tried hard becoming friedns wiv Chiwoo n they did lil but Jihyun had to ruin it since he found him. Since he came he made Chiwoo life harder and he didnt want to involve kyunjin so he told him to stay away n sometimes obv they would hang out when Jihyun isnt there but he always knows. Anyway things hpnd n Jihyun said he wont touch or use violence or do anything againt Chiwoo will. Anyway in the trip, when kyunjin n Chiwoo hugged Jihyun saw it n he started beating kyunjin up n so did he but kyunjin got a lot of damage. Chiwoo asked if ur alr to kyunjin first instead of Jihyun n he left (Jihyun is expelled) Cz he is exp. he asked ppl from his collie who r delinquents (but still fear Jihyun) to break and intimidate kyunjin.They asked kyunjin to come dis place after skl n he thought it would have been Jihyun do beat him/kill but he diddnt know it was the boys.Tnk god before anything hpnd Chiwoo came. Jihyun pushed Chiwoo cz yk n Chiwoo fall n broke his ribs n bleed. He went to the hosp. n dats when he said to Jihyun i cant forgive u, we r done,ur not my friend n all dat den yh they broke all ties. Obv Jihyun left n went to overseas. Kyunjin always came to visit him in hosp n they grew closer. Anyway one day at night (obv he confessed everyday but since he got into uni n job idk he got id so he wanted an ans den) he confessed n asked please to say yes n obv yh.Kyunjin n Chiwoo are together at the end where Chiwoo kissed him to give the ans

Terano-kun to Kumazaki-kun

Complete | Yoriko | 2019 released
2022-08-08 20:35 marked