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smolkiechu's manga / #WAITING FOR THE NEXT CHAPTERS......(17)

Father, I don't Want this Marriage

Ongoing | Hong hee su | 2019 released

The story's ok, the characters are HOT WOW, all of them down to the men, women to the fucking pigeon. And the art + background is vv pretty too. Obviously the only problem with this manhwa is the FUCKING MISUNDERSTANDINGS. LIKE GOOD GOD the characters act like smart people on one chapter and the next theyre reduced ti dumb shits that cant use the common sense they have. Its utterly annoying and i FUCKING hate it, its basically the whole ass plot, misunderstanding after misunderstanding LIKE OK CAN YALL TALK FOR ONCE LIKE WITHOUT SKIPPING ANYTHING, SAY WHAT U WANT BITCH DAMN?!?!?!?

Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess

Ongoing | gwon gyeoeul,suol | 2019 released

pink haired ladies are hot, so Ill read this just for that. But istg if this becomes one of those cringey reverse harems I WILL SCREAM. (124) -- ALRIGHT, THIS HERE LADIES AND GENTS IS THE BEST MANHWA I HAVE EVER READ, not only is the female lead good BUT EVERYONE ACTUALLY ACTS LIKE HUMAN BEINGS despite being a virtual game (pretty ironic). Penelope is so good at making choices and handling situations, it's very uplifting to see her make the right choices, do shit right and be the bad bitch she is. More on that when the manhwa finally ends. Onto the main 5 love interests. Derrick - He was really growing on me. He was kind of like those stoic black haired boys that would look cool on the outside but are really caring and huge softies on the inside, but Derrick leans onto the more colder side. As Penelope kept talking to him, I only considered him a brother for her and nothing more because he just lacks something and he'd probably be better off meeting Yvonne. BUT DAMN did the trial for Penelope switch up my view on him. He's so irritating because I know he has his reasons but damn is he heartless. Being a noble means having a reputation to uphold and all he cared about was exactly that. Its was really disheartening to see him become someone Penelope can't trust anymore. *might change later* Reynolds - He was a piss off at the beginning, and I cackled when Penelope put him in his place for being the bitch that he is. Literally didnt need to fault her for Yvonne getting missing, he always tried making smart remarks that were utterly annoying to listen to. I WOULD HAVE DROPKICKED HIS ASS IF HE SPEWED INSULTS AT ME LIKE THAT. But anyways, he grew on me after he started becoming a decent human being and treated Penelope as a person. He started being considerate and looked at things clearer. And the hitting point was when he confronted Penelope of not being the same as his brother and that he would have believed her no matter what which brought a smile to my face. He's bratty at times but he's ok for now. *might change later* Callisto - He irritated me alot at the beginning just like Reynolds did because he was like one of those snobny rich kids that would be all cocky and shit cuz like he has it all dude. The money, fame, and looks, a pretty fucking big package. But as the events went on and the assasination happened with Penelope, we all started seeing him in a new light and uncovering a small portion of his past was a game changer (pun intended). On the outside he's a tyrant who will soon become emperor, but on the inside he's just a slightly cocky asshole with a pint of kindess and charm on top. Which is why I kinda think he's the endgame, but who knows. *might change later* Winter - Honestly, I didnt know what to feel about him. He lacks something too and it seems like he's just there to be an option for Penelope if something goes wrong. But nonetheless, I like him alot as a character, he cares about the children he hides and is very kind to Penelope, he could be a best friend to Penelope of sorts because he's always there when she's down or needs help and thats king shit right there. Im just hoping he wont secretly be evil or sum. *might change later* Eckles - Before I start, I just wanted to say he reminds me of a wolf. Because of the hairstyle, his gaze, and the way he behaves. He was a slave at an auction and I pity him slightly because he would have been sent to another person for torture if he wasnt a love interest. He's silent but agile/smart. He tends to just work because thats what Penelope wants but hes also very obedient. Its kinda weird but perhaps hes gone through more shit that we havent seen yet. He sometimes appears in the manhwa and he seems like the only one with his favorability the highest which is pretty understandable. I kind of thought he would be endgame because Penelope said so but he's on the 2nd place for now. *might change later* -- but aside from that, I hope we see more of Reynolds and Eckles because boy are they being overshadowed sometimes. And I hope they all get their shits together more cause good lord are they chaotic. Derrick mostly. But thats all for now and I hope to see more on this manhwa because I LOVE IT and you just fucking love it too. #stanpenelope P.S: I hope when Yvonne comes she wont be too pretty and polite like other main heroines because its kinda exhausting to see nowadays. Maybe a change of characters can suffice. —- OMG HE CALLED HER PRETTY FJCBJDBDJDND THEY ARE SO FUCKING GOOD TOGETHER PLS PLS PLS.

Remarried Empress

Ongoing | Alphatart , Sumpul | 2019 released

NO WORDS CAN DESCRIBE ABSOLUTELY FUCKING S TIER THIS IS. To put it bluntly, the whole drama about this story makes me wanna jump out of my seat, put my hand on a burning pan, lick it and cut it off and die and reincarnate to slap the fuck out of that emperor's face. The concubine is annoying af and I don't get how she keeps blaming Navier for her problems like BABE?? where's your braincells at? OH, right theyre non-existent. Same goes for the Emperor, bitch got a concubine slave to make Narvier jealous?? Like wtf, thought you were supposed to be smart and calculative who tf is this loser of a ruler. That also applies to all the other evil shits that side with him. The Duke Elgi dude...he's suspicious but I feel like he's neutral on sides. ANYWAYS NAVIER AND HEINREY ARE SO CUTE AND THEY DESERVE EACH OTHER. #soulmates4lyfe. I'm quite sad there is a lack of romance and more on the drama going on but despite that, I stay to see the eventual happy ending of the main couple and the demise of the crybaby concubine and the numbskull of a Emperor. (122)

Don’t Say You Love Me

Ongoing | Xi Yu&rsquo,er | 2021 released

THEYRE SO CUTE, i love it. My only issue with this manhwa is we are already at chapter 60 yet we still havent had one kiss to the lips yet ://. But nonetheless Yutong and Wei Yun are so cute and I love their interactions + the artwork is so pretty. (61)

My In-laws are Obsessed With Me

Ongoing | 한윤설,승우 | 2019 released

The family is so cute and fuck the stepmother, sister and Siph, they can go die in a ditch :)). Also I love how you can see their miniscule reactions to the Duchess saying she'll be leaving after a year, just goes to show the beginning of them being overprotective of her after eveything shes done and might do later on in the story. The art is pretty, I love the characters and their interactions, the sceneries and plot are good and I love it all. (49)


Ongoing | Yuji ,Havana | 2000 released

yt reco. (71) P.S the fanarts led me here and I don't regret it. :) ---- OK, so I kind of sped ran this manhwa BUT STILL I got alot of information from it and got the premise quickly. SO ANYWAYS, I love this manhwa with a heart, it's one of a kind and really has a slow burn to it + mild smut. I like how it's not just porn with plot but small porn WITH ALOT OF PLOT, I love it and the characters are pretty cool too. Tbh, at first, I hated Riegrow because he seemed like a sociopath + murderer that gets away with everything. But after a few chapter here and there, he's just a snatky little bitch with an ego as big as his dick. Taeui is such a cute and fearless guy, I hope he starts sorting out his feelings and pick a man. His younger self is super cute and I love his interactions and funng moments with everyone in the manhwa. In other words he's just cute, funny, handsome and all that snazz - his capability to say no. Shinru is two-faced and I love that about him tbh it adds to his his character and his motives to stay close with Taeui. I liked their moments together but everything felt forced and not forced in their relationship at the same time. But that's the beauty of their relationship but it's clear who the main couple is so F for Shinru in the comments. He's still cute though. Moving on, I LOVE LOVE <33 THE ARTSYLE ALOT, if the artstyle in the beginning was great, it got better up until the end of season 2. The way the artist draws hands and their faces and EVERYTHING IS HAWT AND SO GOOD. I can't believe I got to see this masterpiece firsthand. I also liked the military setting they're going for here and the way no one is that bothered that someone dies or there are people trying to kill Ilay, it's unhinged behaviour and im loving it. Overall this manhwa is a beauty of its own and thank god for making it author-nim Yuuji + the artist.

Save Me

Complete | 1230 | 2016 released

I Am a Zombie

Ongoing | 阿闷,aman | 2000 released

yt reco. (1) pls..idk why i wanted to read this but i just wanted to FUCKKK

The Goal is to Become a Gold Spoon so I need to be Completely Invulnerable

Ongoing | 청송아,팀헤임달 | 2020 released

interesting. (52) ----- SEASON 1 REVIEW/THOUGHTS: OK, so lemme keep it simple. This manhwa is atleast an A- at its best, sure its your typical isekai, reincarnation, and strong female lead manhwa but in this manhwa the three male leads dont all just have the personality trait of "oh im just here to be eye candy and create confusion for our female lead and thats my only role". The actually have their own lives and so their own shit. Same things goes for Rian, she's your typical female lead but she's actually striving for that "live a happy life" goal. Yeah, its a cliche goal but anyone in their right mind would also want that. She's a cunning yet kind character, and her flaws and problems is something we can maybe relate to or we just like to see. The way they handle the conflict is also ok, cant say much there I mean the way they handle is the bare minumum and every femal lead oe male lead should try resolving the problem that way. The art style was plain at first but overtime the whole thing came together and it's so crisp to look at. Only pet peeve is that Rudolph is kinda an orphan in a sense but hey fuck Sharon and her mom, their motives were horrendous and theyre sick in the head fr. Overall cool concept, plot, and characters for s1. ----