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smolkiechu's manga / #royalty(11)

Remarried Empress

Ongoing | Alphatart , Sumpul | 2019 released

NO WORDS CAN DESCRIBE ABSOLUTELY FUCKING S TIER THIS IS. To put it bluntly, the whole drama about this story makes me wanna jump out of my seat, put my hand on a burning pan, lick it and cut it off and die and reincarnate to slap the fuck out of that emperor's face. The concubine is annoying af and I don't get how she keeps blaming Navier for her problems like BABE?? where's your braincells at? OH, right theyre non-existent. Same goes for the Emperor, bitch got a concubine slave to make Narvier jealous?? Like wtf, thought you were supposed to be smart and calculative who tf is this loser of a ruler. That also applies to all the other evil shits that side with him. The Duke Elgi dude...he's suspicious but I feel like he's neutral on sides. ANYWAYS NAVIER AND HEINREY ARE SO CUTE AND THEY DESERVE EACH OTHER. #soulmates4lyfe. I'm quite sad there is a lack of romance and more on the drama going on but despite that, I stay to see the eventual happy ending of the main couple and the demise of the crybaby concubine and the numbskull of a Emperor. (122)

I'm A Stepmother, But My Daughter Is Just Too Cute!

Ongoing | Yir,Dinorex | 2021 released

The characters are ok as of now. The relationship between Blanch, Abigail and Severian are so cute. I hope we get served more family moments with a hint of drama. (71)

Duke's Private Tutor

Complete | Mepi | 2019 released

noer...why you guys just have to pull out the rape card, AND WHY IS JACE OK WITH THIS??? Fr for a smart person he has no awareness whatsoever, and the duke is bland like where's his personality other than liking and fucking Jace? Noah is slay though. --- OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, so uhm this comic has not changed. I have stated my opinion from last time regarding the r*pe card and all and how their relationship was kind of lacking something and yes they did fix that but more problems have arose other than that. Ok so I'll start with the good points first which is the devolpment of Noah and Duke (idk why they dont mention his name often), they are more protrayed to be into each other and although we have more sex scenes than actual ass dates, atleast we know that they like or ig love each other. That's all the good points done other than the art being so scrumptious as per usual. I did not like the plot and pacing right after chapter 50 started. Why? Because why tf not. Kidding. It's because of the point where Jace gets kidnapped and then tortured and the way its protrayed is supposed to like make us beleive that him being tortured was not a big deal and he didnt even bat an eye to him getting tortured and shit and instead focuses more on his 'breakup' with the Duke which is idk if thats a coping mechanism or not but its still weird, and then the Duke tried to sex with him while hes lit injured and bleeding like boi get ur dick back into your pants rn. The duke is so bland duded like idk, hes barelt doing anything a leader should and it does not even seem like he went through royal education to act like one because he acts like such a lovesick puppy that can't live withou Jave which yes of course love makes u do crazy things but it's like hes just a ML just to be a ML and does not actually act like the role that hes supposed to be acting as: A duke. I don't like how he acts like such a jerk to Noah like he's lit acting like hes past self but ig he was still moping so ill give him that. Noah BEST BOY!!!!!! GET THAT GURL BABY!!! Anyways, Jace is more of a full-feledged character than the Duke tbh although for someone thats supposed to be top og his class he makes the most impulsive decisions and acts so clumsily that i dnt know if i should even be laughing or pitying him becaus ei sure as hell aint relating to him. The whole arc of them going back and forth and trying to get back together was messy af and so fast paced i didnt even know if I should still be reading or not cause I knew that at the end of the day, theyll go back together anyways. I dont even understand the uneccessary conflict of leaving the Duke because hes gonna have heir because everything turned out well in the end like how everyone is so supportive which is pretty unrealistic lemme tell u and albeit there were still non-supporters (assholes tbh) it was just so fast-paced for me, I would have appreciated if the conflict was prolonged more. BUT hey at the end of the day, Noah finally graduated (sana ako din), both Jace and Carlyle havent aged a day and still love each other which I am happy for. I guess this comic wasnt really my type from the beginning because I just did not fancy the conflicts and how the characters acted except for Noah, and how the pacing was going too fast but even as that has happened, sex scenes manage to always to pop up like jeez (good anatomy and art tho). sooo yeah, 3 stars for me and I probs wont reread this again, like i didnt even know this ended already lmfaoo. Hope my rant helped or not...:)

My In-laws are Obsessed With Me

Ongoing | 한윤설,승우 | 2019 released

The family is so cute and fuck the stepmother, sister and Siph, they can go die in a ditch :)). Also I love how you can see their miniscule reactions to the Duchess saying she'll be leaving after a year, just goes to show the beginning of them being overprotective of her after eveything shes done and might do later on in the story. The art is pretty, I love the characters and their interactions, the sceneries and plot are good and I love it all. (49)

When the Villainess Loves

Ongoing | Hj,붉구,대치동건물주 | 2019 released

GOSH, the plot is steady and concise, the interactions and dialogues are GREAT, AND to top it all off, THE CHARACTERS ARE SO DAMN PRETTY AND HANDSOME AND SLAYING IT! The art is manifique and every panel could literallly be a keychain, wallpaper or even a shirt, its just that good guys trust me on this one. This will forever be in my top 3 list of best fantasy/shoujo manhwa, AND I CANT WAIT TO SES WHAT HAPPENS AFTER LISHA'S SACRIFICE. Hope this ends on a good note and she ends up living like the rest of the gang because that's queen shit and we love that. STAN LISHA <333 (77)

Surviving As A Maid

Ongoing | Heeseo,Cloud whale soap | 2020 released

yesss, A N G S T. (71) ---- Ya'll fuck the King and Yurigel, they can both suck their own dicks and get blasted by a meteor. LIKE I thought that they would be cool and shit BUT NAH, they fucking psychos like wtf, yall have a child and you guys barely visit him, wtf do you guys do all day?? Ok, but not to get heated over some fictional characters, but damn is the story consistent, I kinda didnt like Carnell at first because HE'S SO CONFUSING because who tf does he actually like? His dead gf or Ash, like pick a woman sir?? Sir Mio is cool, he's the default emotionless character but not really, I also love the Great Magician being goofy and chill depsite having PTSD. The tutor (sorry forgot their names) is cool too, I was rooting for Ash with him but I think their relationship is just brother/sister type-a thing. And I LOVE THE MAIDS, Ellie and Anna are cool and personally I love how they actually have character compared to the other maids in other isekai manhwas. The queen is also cool, I can't help but pity her too because miss maam ain't that big in showing emotions and has this whole ass poker face the whole time but I think it's not unusual she's like that since she has gone thru shit and no one seems to help or know her that much, I also am skeptical if she really did get r*ped to bear the baby or it was just an impreganation spell, either way it's fucked up and I hate the bl couple fr. I also didnt like the fact that I have a theory that Yurigel is actually also a person not from there because yeah, also good thing none of the other male characters fell in love with him because I AM NOT ROOTING FOR HIM, DON'T BE GREEDY MISTER, YOU HAVE THE KING! And finally, Ash, our sweet ol' conflicted maid that is just a really genuine character albeit she's confused on her thoughts and actions regarding certain people because she really just doesn't wanna be there and would rather just go home. But she does a good job and portraying a realistic isekai character should be because she' against the idea of staying but she's getting attached but she wants to go home, it's just what we would think fr. Overall, I hope to see more from this BEAUTIFUL MANHWA (the artsyle is very simple, clean and majestic) and their characters excluding King Bastard and Yurigel the Bitch :)) ... P.S I hope the baby hates his parents uwu, and I hope he sees Ash and his mother figure instead alongside the Queen BECAUSE Yes HAHAHA

Solar Eclipse

Complete | Pil hee | 2019 released

interesting because the front page intrigues me and the votes are high. (1) ---- Hol' up...Why the comments saying there's incest???

Two Empires, The Slave Of The Empire

Ongoing | | 2019 released

just sped through the chapters because I was getting confused as to why the art style seemed to change every milisecond per chapter AND was getting bored of the same old shit they be doing. Gonna read this again and give yall my opinion on it because, tbh, its interesting enough to read and stick around because I wanna see what happens to the blonde boi. (42) ——— Ok, I just finished reading the whole manhwa and WOOO can I say that I love it. Albeit yes, there are a minimal amount of plotholes like the decisions of several characters that sometimes don’t make sense in the situation but that’s just about it. I love the dynamic portrayal of Ray, Jiskar, and the the two knights. The world building in itself needs more time to be understood but with the information given about it, I can say it does a great job answering questions I have about this particular historical timeline. The slow burn is also not too slow and fast for my liking, the utter desperation, arrogance, and confusion Ray shows each chapter is funny, interesting, yet pitiful to read. You would think that after seeing everything Ray has gone through, I would wish for him to escape, and yes I do, but what then? He has nothing other than the Palace of El Fascher and Jiskar. His slave parents wont do shit for him and claiming he reincarnated from a alleged dead prince is basically treason. Staying with Jiskar for months on end, despite the rocky meeting they had, its obv that both of them have fallen in love in a sense, they just dont realize it or would not rather say to secure the dignity of both of them. I hated Jiskar before but I kinda like him now, Ray is a quite the fellow but I also understand where hes coming from and seeing how his personality shows, I can guarantee I kinda relate to him, and the two knights with him all the time (I forgot their names) are pretty cool too, I love their dynamic and how they warmed up to Ray despite him being a mere slave. Anddd the Empress and Crown Price + the Count are also good antagonists yet their petty reasoning is what throws me off but hey, its realistic, I also like how we can start to see character development within the Crown Prince. Anyways, the last two chapters were a whirlwind of angst. I mean, its basically a scandal that a mere concubine threatened to take the life of the Emperor, of course it leaves people speculating, gossiping, and worrying about the future of the kingdom regarding the decision they were to make on how to handle Ray. Jiskar is, rightfully, frustrated at the fact that not only is the person who has been close for months, maybe love, and own, has now been ousted as the person who committed treason and is making him the reason for people to believe in making him go bonkers. The council meeting proves this when the heads of the 3 main families and some other men have questioned the emperors sanity and decisions for the kingdom. Its practically sabotage and lies being piled onto each other but the mere fact is that Ray needs to die seeing as how he has the power to ruin the kingdom if he had the resources to do so. Now, Ray, like man, I get how he hesitated and I get why hes blaming himself when he couldve left, but again, what then? He wont be able to do shit after he leaves anyways so might as well have obeyed and keep putting up his petty slave image. But yeah, its sucks for him honestly now that hes been dropped by the only source that has protected him throughout the duration of his time in the kingdom, Jiskar. I also hate how we dont know how old he is but its obv hes a minor judging from the protrayal of his body and the trigger warnings put up on chapters, that being said, he got raped, tortured, and interrogated for information which obv befitting for a traitor and the treason he did, BUT GOD IT STILL SUCKS CUZ as readers, we wouldve wanted to see him healthy and staying by Jiskar’s side. Now the suprise here is that, White haired kinght and red haired knight’s talk about Ray suprised me because it never dawned on me if WHK would romantically like Ray out of all the people to pick from, but its still undetermined so lets leave it at that. Overall, even if its not the best bl manhwa out there, its pretty interesting and cool to read for spare time and fun. I hope to see how the story goes, just hoping it doesnt turn out to badly for everyone AND PLES GOD, no sad ending, everyone lives/no one dies typa shit. oh, also, idk if its just me but the art, yes pretty and crisp, but it always seems to change on different chapters, albeit they all have similar features, the face seems wonky or the facial features and face of certain characters change, its not really a concern but juts wanted to point it out. Maybe its because the author is still tryna find a permanent art style but who knows. Anyways, thats that, I hope future me comes back to read this and enjoy it like I did. (35) ——— LINK FOR ALL THE ARC AND FULL STORY OF THIS WEBTOON:두-개의-제국-제국의-노예.157304/

I was Reborn as the Villainess' Father and I Need XXX to Survive!?

Ongoing | cocoon production | 2000 released

it was interesting at first, but afterwards, the story and pacing started getting wonky and the art wasnt helping mu diminishing interest in the manga. I hope to pick this up again later on in life if I am not so judgemental of the art. (84)

The Man in the Mirror

Complete | Yukibayashi,Hisamatsu Eight | 2000 released

For a short story, it does a better job at telling a story than other bl manhwas/mangas that have 60+ chapters. Anyways, the art was scrumptious asf and I loved the characters and their looks. Their ethnicity and culture also shone through which I love to see #culturalrepresentation. And both of them just being so fluff with each other warms my heart to see the whole story is just wholesome with a bit of angst in the middle. It’s literally perfect and I love it.