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AxelNeuman88's manga / #Toxic Relationship(12)

Piercing Hole

Complete | Harada | 2015 released
2021-06-13 15:14 marked

Senpai To Douseichuu

Complete | Asano Minako | 2008 released
2021-06-13 21:21 marked

I am... shocked. Guys, this is a perfect example of a toxic relationship, a Stockholm syndrome if I have ever seen one. What is the point of this one-shot? It is disgusting, a caricature of real relationships. A guy who calls his girlfriend a "dog", who cheats on her, humiliates her, mistreats her and all is well 'cause he gave her, in the end, a pendant? Are you serious? Throw this pendant in the ocean Titanic-style, dump his sorry ass, get some self-esteem and live your life happily. Please, to the young and impressionable girls out there, if your guy treats you like the main protagonist, run the hell away, celebrity or not. You are valuable, you are amazing and you deserve to be treated respectfully. The best happy end of this story would be the guy coming to an empty apartment.

After School Wedding

Complete | Shinjo Mayu | 2007 released

Goddammit, mangas in the early 2000s were disgusting. In no universe, a relationship between a student and a teacher is OK, or romantic, or acceptable, etc. Use this and the many similar stories not as a romantic getaway, but as a way to discuss predatory behaviour that is installed in young generations thanks to manga like that. Repeat after me, please, I will not romanticize relationships between older people in power and minors. And the looks of the teachers (they can be as hot as Colin Firth or Monica Bellucci for what I care) should not matter at all. They can be hot, funny, average looking, with black hair or bald, with two left feet and tentacles, it does not matter. Relationships between teachers and students are a NO ENTRY zone and the story of the teacher in this story should end with the police coming into the classroom and arresting his creepy ass. Amen.

Kuroorihime To Kawaki No Ou

Complete | kusanagi mizuho | 2011 released
2021-06-13 22:27 marked

I think that the king actually killed her village and is a tyrannical monarch that raids other villages in search of gold and riches. Nice catch, young MC.

You are Still in a Bird Cage

Complete | Hakuri | 2000 released
2021-06-13 23:08 marked

A bit predictable, to be honest. The biggest twist would be if the blonde girl was the killer and she framed the dark-haired girl, but the latter, feeling still guilty over the accident, would take the blame for the killings, something like that.

Ruriiro Butterfly

Complete | Fujikawa Ruri | 2006 released
2021-06-14 18:30 marked

...85% of these stories are perfect for a sexual harassment lawsuit. Story 1 and 2. It is a doomed couple, they do not talk to each other at all. Story 3 and 4. Deceiving your employees and having sex in the office? Yikes. Story 5. A bit rushed, like, why the Big Boss suddenly caught the feels? And again with the sex in the office, please, goddamit, do not have sex in the office. It is awkward for everyone, the cleaning ladies, the secretaries, the colleagues, yourselves. Story 6. The continuation of Story 5, but, finally, the guy has some sense! "This is the office!", thank you, you generic uke! No sex in the office, please. But at least the story included a preparation before sex, so, nice. Story 7. The boy was so annoying. But I mean, it is a bit rape-y, the boy said several times "no". Yaoi logic, I guess. Story 8. Traveling overseas for work and leaving your kid all alone? Strange. Inviting a person to live with you without asking your children? Strange. Not protecting your son when an older and clearly bigger guy hits him? Strange (I mean, he did not say anything bad, the mom was a bit naive). Having sex with your cousin? Yikes. The characters are bland, the style is typical for Fujikawa Ruri, the stories are basic.

Amai Kamiato

Complete | tsukuba sakura | 2005 released

Ok, everything was nice, until the ending. I really hoped that there would not be hints on the possible relationship between the two MCs (one of whom is a child), but, alas. Wouldn't it be much nicer if the story would have ended with them bonding as father and daughter without the creepy vibes? Was it necessary to add the potential future that she will grow up and be in love with her... father? It is a huge possibility that the grandmother had an affair with him, had a daughter, then the daughter had an affair with him, hence, one of the MC. Sweet home Alabama, ya all.

Angel Love Song

Complete | Furumiya Kazuko | 2003 released
2021-06-14 22:36 marked

Aru Hi Bijin Ni Nattara

Complete | Yorita Miyuki | 2000 released
2021-06-16 21:51 marked

This topic may contain spoiler .... such a meaningless story. Firstly, so after completely changing herself (cutting her hair, changing her clothes, wearing make-up) she finally gets her happy ending? Wouldn't it have been better, if she did not change herself, but just got self-respect? Secondly, the older sister never stands up for her younger sister, like, your friends call your family "ugly" and you just shrug it off? Then again, you are asked not to visit the place that she works, there should be a reason for that, and you should have respected her wish, like, please. Thirdly, all the story about the make-up and everything else... I would have preferred if there was a supernatural explanation rather than "it was make-up", like was it a set for the Lord of the Rings? What is your budget, sis? Fourthly, why so many girls in shoujo manga wish everyone around them to be as unhappy as they are? Why they are so egocentric? Overall, the story is really illogical to me at least and I did not see the message that the author was trying to translate in the story.

Monkey Strip

Ongoing | OHKURA Kaori | 2000 released
2021-06-16 21:58 marked

The art is pretty, but the story is a bit... meh?