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atsushi's manga / #recommended(1)

Aoi haru,akaiito

Complete | Kisayuki | 2000 released

OH MY HeaveN, I LOVE THIS STORY, like serious why did I not READ Much more EARLIER AUGHHHHHHH!!! It is a simple and a very easy to follow storyline but very wholesome with a realistic sense of life, full of dramatic scenes and full different emotions that makes this manga very captivating and interesting. The story itself kinda have the vibe of Romeo and Juliet just a little. I love how realistic it is it just reminds people that we do deserve our own freedom to be happy and not to be chain on something that we don’t like at all. Overall, I can’t think of any other comments on this for this manga really satisfy me that I cant say anything much about it for its just so good of a story deserve to be re-read and well recommended to any type of reader out there