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darling's manga / #Another world(1)

Shadow crown

Complete | Hae-wi ,Cha-nok | 2000 released

dude so basically i dont like the emporer like at all thats why 3 stars like basically its joe and kyle but kyle has no character depth and hes js insane in general like rael has sooo much character depth w the king too oh lord its soo good but the fucking ass emporer ruined it all like that bitch litterally the villain he should not be the love interest like littdrally basically this guy transmigrated to another world and he has the same face as the like first prince and the first prince has been preparing to die for like three years so hes like ill make you my shadow so that after i die, daniel will live on so like bc the king was like deadbeat did no work rael would help daniel w all his work until this bitch of an emporer visits them and falls in love at first sight w rael and at the time rael was like wow hes handsome and that was it like they hit it off whatever and the emporer was obvi in love so he kept visiting and then basically at the time it was like wow emporer head over heels sooo cute and then he REQUESTS A NIGHT W RHE ORINCE. and its like portrayed as funny cuz emplrer is like omg shit whyd i do that and rael is like to daniel “its ok ill do it” and it shows later daniel is like mentally distraught ab this bc he cant do it cuz his body is too weak and i feel hella bad anyways so thwy sleep together for THREE DAYS cuz emporer offered like crazy good territory and rewards and shit and like blah blah then on day of daniel coronation, theres like a fucking riot and he dies and rael has to run crying bc hes ljke shit now hes dead what am i gonna do he litterally saved my life he gave me a name he is almost me like theyre so simaler and likr he runs to emporer bc he needs the help and like while hes getting shit sorted at his castle on the last day when rael is like ill let u sleep w me when he wakes up the mf emporer has chained this bitch and its like wtfff cuz this bitch insane and its like revealed emporer was the one who set everytjing up he told ppl to capture daniel/rael but instead they ended up killing daniel and then rael gets like fucking stockholm syndrome and starts loving this bitch but he also drops the best line ever he said sum shit like u killed the only chance of me being w u forever cuz daniels dying wish was for rael to take care of his brother and get their territory back ans basicallt what he meant was like if emporer didnt kill daniel, rael couldve not had to become daniel and couldve lived beside the emporer but now he has become daniel there is no counterpart and i was like actually like holy shit wtf bc like litterally rael was like i cannot love you because there is another in my heart not like love but daniel was litterally his savior his best friend he gave him a name he was everything to rael and fhen he like escapes saves the second prince and wben ljke emporer was like ill kill second prince so that u can b w me again, rael jumps off a cliff that was like planned and litterally emporer has fucking mental breakdown he starts destroying anywhere that rael might go like he goes fucking insane and i also feel bad for aecond prince bc he loved his brother and he finds out rael is js not him and hes like YOU SHOULDVE DIED INSTEAD and rael was like i know. bc second prince saw daniel dead and i was actually distraught by this bc oh my lord anyways everything works out I GUESS and they get married but like littwrally I HATE THAT BITCH EMPORER HES LITTERALLY THE ANTAGONIST HE RUINED EVERYTHING THE LIKE TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN IM HIS SHADOW SHIT WAS A GOOD IDEA FOR A PLOT BUT INSTEAD THIS BITCH EMPORER COMES IN AND FUCKS IT UP AND GIVES RAEL STOCKHOLM SYNDROME AND THEY FALL IN LOVE LIKE IDW SEE THAT SHIT