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Vydricka's manga / #didn`t like the second half(1)

Ookami wo Karu Housoku

Complete | J. L. Langley,MAMAHARA Ellie | 2016 released

I loved this from the beginning: werewolves, vet alpha who isn`t dominant and arrogant jerk plus snappy (thanks to his difficult past) but cute omega who isn`t some whinny bitch but is firmly standing on his feet... Plus the art is gorgeous! But I started to dislike Keaton`s character in the second half, e. g. Remi came to apologize, nearly died, was forcibly turned into a wolf, Chay himself said Remi needs calm but Bit snapped at him and forced him to shapeshift (I felt it was completely needless, situation didn`t really call for it and Remi was still healing, I know it wasn`t Bit`s fault but wouldn`t you normally take it a bit easy on person who just barely survived a wolf attack - who is supposedly from your family - and had their entire life turned upside down?!), then he argues with a person holding gun even though his boyfriend was in front of the gun... Overall he was behaving like a teenager even though he`s an adult, his temper caused many problems but he didn`t even try to correct his behaviour, when he gets pissed he just snaps (even worse is that he himself acknowledged that he misunderstood several times because he didn`t give anyone time for explanation)... Bit is supposed to only look young so I didn`t really like his bratty manners and it soured the whole manga for me.