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lem0nb0g's manga / #collar(1)

Ai to Makoto (Moriyo)

Complete | Moriyo | 2017 released

i. i don’t. know. what to say. i was so weirded out at first because the twins were so into each other but like… after their backstory? holy shit, this was really well written. they were literally forced to rely on each other after seiji bit aiji TT and then they were falling apart bc of towa BUT ACTUALLY THIS WAS AIJI’S PLAN ALL ALONG?? TO GET SEIJI A PROPER LOVER???? THATS WHY HE ALWAYS ASKED FOR AN OMEGA PARTNER FOR A 3SOME????????(p.s i looked at some of the authors other stuff… really well written, but fucked. this author is so talented but so fucked in the mind dear god )