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Gayghey's manga / #Misunderstood(2)

How Sweet is a Sugar Daddy

Complete | Ji Hye-Kyung | 2017 released

I FINISHED IT AND THE DAMN REVEAL OF THE ENTIRE MESS GOT ME SO HYPED X'D im sorta sad that there wasn't much expansion on the ending, but hey, this ended well and after a bit of heartache and misunderstandings, i know they are happy together and that's all that matters to me : ' ) JUNYOUNG AND SIHOON JUST NEED TO BE HAPPY OKAY LIKE LET THEM FUCK ALL THEY WANT AND ENJOY LIFE QAQ

I'm Yours, Blood and Soul

Complete | GyaGa | 2000 released

devil daddy x dracula cutie.. crazy murderer kid x crazy police officer... WHY WOULD YOU TRY TO KILL AN INNOCENT VAMPIRE BABY ;; [6.23.18] LKJDHFALSHSKJHSAFKSJFHSKF I NEED ME A MARIAM PLS <3 HNG [6.26.18] alalfhskhskldfhlksadhskaa so cute ;; I love how Mariam unconsciously just falls more and more for Beok Hee <3 [7.8.18] THOSE UNNIES ARE CRAZY AND I LOVE THEM ;; <3 [7.18.18] ohmai, we got some crazy pretty boi and purple demon guy fuckin for souls [9.5.18] BWAHAAHAHAHAHA AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO LAUGHED AT HIS FACE AT THE END LIKE "BIH WOT U SAY TO ME" SKLDFHSFDHSLKA [9.12.18] welp i guess that ended quite well LMAO [9.22.18]