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Gayghey's manga / #Prostitute(3)

Itou-san (KURAKA Sui)

Complete | KURAKA Sui | 2015 released

I love Ito and Kyosuke's relationship. It's dark and beautiful. So well-carved that the ending made me almost flip. I swear, so much bitter feelings, yet sweet. I can't explain.. Then the last one.... THAT WAS AWESOME D:<

Crystal Palace

Complete | amemori gigi | 2011 released

So this was a beautiful yet sickeningly dark way to handle such an isolated life.. Prostitution.. incest.. being tied down by his father. There could have been more about how one's life does not go the way they want; however this was sort of like "BANG" and the feels hit you subconsciously. e.e

Boku no Osekkai Darling

Complete | HOMURA Jiiko | 2018 released

NOBUO-SAN GOT A SEXY WIFE HIJIRI KUN IN A FUCKIN SEXY OUTFIT LIKE THAT HAVE MERCY ON US MORTALS his hair up in a bun in that bath was *chef's kiss* im glad they can fall in love--- IM NOT READY TO ;; [5.10.20]