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Gayghey's manga / #gale(1)

Fairy Tail

Complete | Mashima | 2006 released

i have been mindfucked for the past few chapters.. e.e zeref so cute. mavis so cute. another little ship is setting sail. are you fuckin kidding me? these dead fuckers are back? >> his magic is bullshit and it pisses me off. way to go mashima. i actually consider you almost equal to isayama.. e-e EILEEN. OMFG. 484. I sense action. Therefore I sense drama. And when I mean drama, I mean GAJEVY MOMENT. I FEEL IT COMING. >> CHAPTER 485 AND THE FUCKIN FEELS. DAMN IT GAJEEL YOU BEING SO COOL ALL OF A SUDDEN!!!! D:< ASDFGHJKLASDFGHJKLASDFGHJKLASDFGHJKL. THAT'S NOT EVEN CLOSE TO HOW MUCH FEELS I HAVE IN ME RIGHT NOW. <3 GAJEVY IS FUCKIN REAL. I'M STILL HYPERVENTILATING. LIKE THE IMPACT OF THOSE FEELS. LIKE BRUH. CANNOT UNDO THOSE. OTP MAN. MY ONLY STRAIGHT OTP NOW. XD Ah. These couples. The ships are setting sail. omfg. Mashima better do this right. I'm expecting a lot. >> GAJEEL FUCKIN' SAID IT. HE FELL FOR LEVY. I AM DONE. HE CONFESSED. FUCK YES. HE BETTER NOT DIE THOUGH. MASHIMA. PLEASE. THE SHIP.♡ I don't cry. But this... gajeel and levy.. made me cry... my kokoro... please. Gajeel... COME BACK. You need to help Levy raise the twins together D: OMFG. This kokoro of mine was right. Gajeel and Zera.. what the hell man. Mashima.. please... I believe in you so... I'm waiting for Gajeel and Levy to meet up and for Levy to jump into Gajeel's arms and initiate a passionate kiss. >> And in less than how many chapters, my ships are just sailing and just barely making it afloat.