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Gayghey's manga / #human blood bank(1)

Raising a Bat

Complete | Jade | 2015 released

Hehehe.... Pet is the name on his phone XD A very powerful uke who will not let his past define him. Nice :3 I hate his dad with a passion though, he nothing but shit. -.- so.. at first I was confused like why didn't I finish this? then I saw something. I kind of saw a bit of myself in min gyum? idk. so many different spellings. but yeah. and chun sam. he reminded so much of myself as well. its weird cause I saw myself in these two characters. my gemini-side of thinking probably is the cause, but it feels all too much. the dark feelings that welled up in the beginning. the 'obsessions'. min gyum and chun sam had this 'skinny love' in the beginning and it was falling apart so fast. i was more emotionally challenged because of this. it made me feel like not everything is daisies and roses, but it also felt all so real. min gyum was jaded in a sense, screwed up his life and love, but was able to regain it slowly because he learned. and chun sam was diligent till the end. even though there was no sex (so used to the hardcore stuff), the story was very satisfying. i learned a lot of stuff. thought about them. even saw my situation in min gyum's so vividly. it hurt. but if only things indeed had their happy endings in real life. please whoever sees this, read this. it's worth the ride. It's beautiful. Like you. <3 update; i saw the raws in korean and vietnamese. dang. i didn't know there was more and i mean the sex. if you ever find it. the next few chapters and can understand korean or vietnamese; please. please. i'm begging you to please translate it. AND SEND IT TO ME. I love this manhwa. the extras really seem nice too. so please. check it out. and find those raws. <3 lol the new update i was like, "so my intuition was right" despite not understanding the hangul or vietnamese letters. xD so lol. when your boyfriend almost kisses your sister's boyfriend. wait. what. xD So yeah fucked up dad finally died. Sorry not sorry. That jackass deserved it. But min gyeom and Chun sam's little date on xmas even sounds promising~ :3 and i finally got to understand that scene with them at the sunset ;A; also that sexy scene~ hmhm~ i've been waiting since last year cause I saw that vietnamese version ;A; but no regrets cause this love is so sweet and i love these two so much D: YOU THOUGHT IT WAS OVER TILL CUTIE MIN GYEOM FUCKS YOU UP WITH SADNESS.