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GHOST's manga / #Boxing(1)

Legs That Won't Walk

Complete | 흑살구, Black Apricot | 2020 released
2020-10-05 13:26 marked

Read up to chapter 61. I started this one a while back but let it sit to see more updates, and well, I was hoping things would get better. They only got worse. For context, I'm a gay guy. I love freaky ass BDSM, specifically the dominant role. I like seeing pain and pleasure in my lover's eyes. That being said, all in a consensual way. Masochist partners only really. Maybe a bit TMI, but this gives some background to how this shit goes too far. The art is totally my type of style, the characters too. Men with muscles on both ends. The character designs, the story theme (Gangsters, violence, tons of sex). It's all stuff I dig like crazy, but, as always it seems with these types of stories, you get tons of romanticized rape. Yeah, it's fiction, but that doesn't make it any less egregious. I always have been the type to condemn media that supports disgusting behavior, mostly in the sexual realm. It's one thing to have flaws and accept them, another to manipulate someone and basically give them Stockholm syndrome. Imagine if the MC, Soo I will call him, met a man who could give him just as much cock and sex, but listened to him, respected him, didn't constantly hurt him. If he met a man like that, any actual person would prefer that over what the Dom MC has put Soo through. Of course, if tested the author might be like "Oh he's a freak and actually likes to be forced", to justify it. Fuck off, it hurts seeing how much he yells "No" and "Stop it". Like I get it, that can be a kink thing, but it does NOT feel like a kink thing here. They treat it and represent it so twisted. What would be more interesting? Someone like Dom MC, cold murderer gang leader, but shows a soft caring side for someone like Soo-young. Maybe a few freaky moments, but not- RAPE. Not forcing him to be his "toy". It's really a fucking shame. I truly would be obsessed with this hardcore edgy story if it wasn't for the typical yaoi trope of making rape sexy or kinky. It's not. It's one thing to RP it- which I mean sure whatever, still weird but you do you, but to represent it like this, for what it is- God. I also love villains a ton, super cold bastard characters, paired with a seemingly more emotional partner, either roles sexual-wise or even better, switches. Alas, I still won't support a villain who rapes the person they "love", or anyone for that fact. It's just all so stupid. I'm not shocked either. I see this over and over again. I'm tired of potentially good stories ruined with this shit. I can only hope Soo finds freedom or someone eventually. Likely Dom MC gets a redemption arc though, as we see with every rapist "horrible backstory boohoo" Dom character. I'm tired of making it seem alright when it's so fucking toxic. I'll drop this one for now. Hope to god it finds some light, who knows though. Might end super fucked up like in one or both of the MC's death. lmao. At least that'd make it interesting if nothing else. No offense to anyone here btw. I know we all got opinions. I simply am just venting because I'm tired of this stuff. I hate picking up stories I'm so stoked for in art, story, characters, etc, but then get blue balled with the before-mentioned turn-offs. I don't look to start fights, I mean reply if you want if you're pissed at how I feel, but lol I prob won't reply, not to disrespect, I just don't have the energy for this fuckery. For those who like this crap though, enjoy I suppose.